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Heya hun x
I'm your partner for the "penpal aged 18- 30" swap
Just messaging you to let you know your letter will be on its way soon - please don't give me a bad rating
I am just waiting to be paid so i can send it you
I'm your partner for the 18-30 penpal swap
I thought I'd send you a message to say that I am writing the letter today and sending of tomorrow (18th September) which is the deadline date
Kind regards,
Chloe ❤️
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Heya hun x
I'm your partner for the "penpal aged 18- 30" swap
Just messaging you to let you know your letter will be on its way soon - please don't give me a bad rating
I am just waiting to be paid so i can send it you
I'm your partner for the 18-30 penpal swap
I thought I'd send you a message to say that I am writing the letter today and sending of tomorrow (18th September) which is the deadline date
Kind regards,
Chloe ❤️