Lol! What color would you like your headscarf to be? Mine is going to be red to match the Corvette we're driving. The really big groovy convertibles are such monstrous gas guzzlers. I think a '66 Corvette may be a 6-cylinder and much better on gas. More money for sushi, red vines and espressos! Road Trip!!
He is a wonderful storyteller. He will always be one of my favorites.
For years I have had a picture in my head of a drawing, sort of like a map. It has a highway with a sign reading "Hillbilly Highway", with lots of roads going from it, named things like "Copperhead Road" and "Telephone Road" and "Nowhere Road"... all leading to GUITAR TOWN! Guitar town is like the Cadillac Ranch, only it's gigantic Stratacasters and Les Pauls stuck in the ground instead of cars! There's a giant 1950s Las Vegas-style sign with "Guitar Town" in old fashioned bulb neons that arches over the whole town. It's all out in the desert with mountains in the background. Yeah, I'm nuts. Hehe.. when I draw it I should put you and I in a big convertible with the top down, a la Thelma & Louise. Help.
So I'm just sitting here at my craft table making stuff and watching Law and Order: SVU, and who do you think I see?? Steve Earle playing a teacher in Riker's juvenile facility! I really had to do a double take!
You never did tell me how that concert was 100 years ago...
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It is good too see you online this Month.
Just checking up on you. hope things are getting better. Hugs Robin
Your name came up on the forums ( so here's a spoonfu of credit due :D
smoochy smoochy!
I would join this swap if it were hosted by you.
my pleasure :) xoxoxoxoxo Just in case you were wondering.. I thought the postcard was extra lesbiny - I know you like that :D
Lol! What color would you like your headscarf to be? Mine is going to be red to match the Corvette we're driving. The really big groovy convertibles are such monstrous gas guzzlers. I think a '66 Corvette may be a 6-cylinder and much better on gas. More money for sushi, red vines and espressos! Road Trip!!
He is a wonderful storyteller. He will always be one of my favorites.
For years I have had a picture in my head of a drawing, sort of like a map. It has a highway with a sign reading "Hillbilly Highway", with lots of roads going from it, named things like "Copperhead Road" and "Telephone Road" and "Nowhere Road"... all leading to GUITAR TOWN! Guitar town is like the Cadillac Ranch, only it's gigantic Stratacasters and Les Pauls stuck in the ground instead of cars! There's a giant 1950s Las Vegas-style sign with "Guitar Town" in old fashioned bulb neons that arches over the whole town. It's all out in the desert with mountains in the background. Yeah, I'm nuts. Hehe.. when I draw it I should put you and I in a big convertible with the top down, a la Thelma & Louise. Help.
So I'm just sitting here at my craft table making stuff and watching Law and Order: SVU, and who do you think I see?? Steve Earle playing a teacher in Riker's juvenile facility! I really had to do a double take!
You never did tell me how that concert was 100 years ago...