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Checking again to see if you got my clutter clean up email. I forwarded it on to you again.
Yay! You know what geocaching is! No one ever knows what it is! I try explaining it to people and they all think that I'm crazy or making it up! :)
Just checking in to see if you received my e-mail for the Clutter clean-up swap
Hi Ladywolfam. I have a flag pin from Portugal. Interested?
did you get my cookbook?
Hi! I sent your PC for Quick Postcard Swap#1 - Animals yesterday. I hope either there will be no strike or a very short one so you can get it quickly^>^
Page 1 of Ladywolfam's Comments
Back to Ladywolfam's profile
Checking again to see if you got my clutter clean up email. I forwarded it on to you again.
Yay! You know what geocaching is! No one ever knows what it is! I try explaining it to people and they all think that I'm crazy or making it up! :)
Just checking in to see if you received my e-mail for the Clutter clean-up swap
Hi Ladywolfam. I have a flag pin from Portugal. Interested?
did you get my cookbook?
Hi! I sent your PC for Quick Postcard Swap#1 - Animals yesterday. I hope either there will be no strike or a very short one so you can get it quickly^>^