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Unicornblitz on Mar 3, 2018:

Profile quote #14:(been poorley, sorry im late!)

The secret to getting ahead - is getting started!

Mark twain

DeAnnaVarela on Mar 2, 2018:

Swap: Profile Quote #14 DeAnna Varela

"It's not that we spend five days looking forward to just two. It's that most people do what they enjoy most on those two days. Imagine living a life where everyday are your Saturdays and Sundays. Make everyday your weekend. Make everyday a play-day…"

James A. Murphy, The Waves of Life Quotes and Daily Meditations

reauk on Mar 2, 2018:

Profile Quote #14

from reauk

A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often.

Oliver Hereford

Lovinatcs on Mar 2, 2018:

Profile Quote #14

You are not his princess, You are your own Queen!!! -Nikita Gill

Angie on Mar 2, 2018:

I like to include quotes on my ATCs, here is one of my favorites.

My mother believed in all superstitions, plus she made some up. (Donald Westlake, author)

newrule on Feb 18, 2011:

Wow!! More than 2 months to get to you!! This year I have to plan to send early!!! LOL! Glad you got it though. Hope all is well with you. Take care. Hugs from Malaysia!

Jenzeestyle on Feb 15, 2011:

Shallale, thank you so much the two postcards arrive yesterday safe, they are amazing I will treasure them. Btw I love grapefruit.

Barbara on Jan 13, 2011:

Hi Shallale, Thank you so much for the postcards of Haiti. They are very special to me becasue I was in Mirebalais over the New Year. I worked on a new school, Destined for Grace, that opens in September. The children were so adorable and lovable. Take care and see you in more swaps.

Jenzeestyle on Jan 12, 2011:

hi i was wondering if we could swap postcards

Loonstruck on Jan 10, 2011:

I just received round two of the postcards. What beautiful pictures! Thank you for your generosity. It's really going to ignite my kids' imaginations.

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