Thanks for your message. No thanks I don't need the letter from miniquilt, I had the same letter with a name what is not my name so I don't like unpersonal letters, But thanks for letting me know
What a Nice package I just received. It was my birthday last week end and it felt like I was still opening presents to realize it was a nice RAK from you. You didn't have to do that, but it's surely appreciated, really. Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait to try the ruffle yarn. I've always wanted to, but was intimidated. Now I have no excuses anymore, just got to pick up my needles and try !!! I might even do it today as I was looking for a new project to start (I finished one yesterday). The pens are also really cool.
Kudos to you for really trying to turn your swapping around! Most people come back and talk the talk, but it's all just that. @rockstar20h should give you a break, afterall she also had another profile.
Thanks so much for the RAK book by Nikki Trent! I love her book and I'll use it all the time! Please let me know if I can make you one of the pets out of it as a thank-you, because I'd love to do that for you, if you want one!
Thank you so so much for sending the postcards! I love them! Look forward to a private swap in the future! And also, I love your handwriting!! Thanks again!!
WOW, thanks so much for the selection of PCs... What a wonderful RAK!!! You have totally helped me build my stash... If youre ever interested in a swap, let me know... And thanks again, I really appreciated all those PCs!
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Hi! LLL Group GREETINGS! Blessings, cc
Thanks for your message. No thanks I don't need the letter from miniquilt, I had the same letter with a name what is not my name so I don't like unpersonal letters, But thanks for letting me know
What a Nice package I just received. It was my birthday last week end and it felt like I was still opening presents to realize it was a nice RAK from you. You didn't have to do that, but it's surely appreciated, really. Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait to try the ruffle yarn. I've always wanted to, but was intimidated. Now I have no excuses anymore, just got to pick up my needles and try !!! I might even do it today as I was looking for a new project to start (I finished one yesterday). The pens are also really cool.
Tomorrow is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day! I'm sending you this greeting a day early so you can get the necessary items to celebrate tomorrow. :)

Kudos to you for really trying to turn your swapping around! Most people come back and talk the talk, but it's all just that. @rockstar20h should give you a break, afterall she also had another profile.
Hey, how are you? What's going on in your world? I hope you're great! And please drop me a line letting me know that all's well, mkay? Peace. :)
Thanks so much for the RAK book by Nikki Trent! I love her book and I'll use it all the time! Please let me know if I can make you one of the pets out of it as a thank-you, because I'd love to do that for you, if you want one!
Thank you so so much for sending the postcards! I love them! Look forward to a private swap in the future! And also, I love your handwriting!! Thanks again!!
thank you so much for the RAK postcards :) they're awesome :D :D what a great selection :)
WOW, thanks so much for the selection of PCs... What a wonderful RAK!!! You have totally helped me build my stash... If youre ever interested in a swap, let me know... And thanks again, I really appreciated all those PCs!