Just a note to help you out. If you reply to a rating, like you have in almost all of your 1 ratings- your partner may not ever see that unless they have elected to get emails that the rating received a reply.
What you should do is go to every 1 rating and send a PM to the partner and let them know what happened and that you need their address to send to them.
Failing to do this and signing up for new swaps when you owe so many active users isn't responsible swapping. Please reconsider signing up for new swaps. It looks bad and responsible hosts are not going to let you in their swaps until you show responsibility.
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Just a note to help you out. If you reply to a rating, like you have in almost all of your 1 ratings- your partner may not ever see that unless they have elected to get emails that the rating received a reply.
What you should do is go to every 1 rating and send a PM to the partner and let them know what happened and that you need their address to send to them.
Failing to do this and signing up for new swaps when you owe so many active users isn't responsible swapping. Please reconsider signing up for new swaps. It looks bad and responsible hosts are not going to let you in their swaps until you show responsibility.