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you know who ramona cordova is therefore you are alright in my book! i've never met anyone who had any idea who he is.
Hi, I'm your partner for the Critters matchbox swap. Just dropped by to let you know your matchbox will be sent tomorrow~ Hope you get it soon ^_^
Check out the new swap added to the group Indie Kids--hopefully it will be fun!
Your fridge magnets are on their way!
Hi :) your Rockets and Robots package is going out in todays mail, I hope you will enjoy it!! greenthumbgirl♥
Page 1 of sjane's Comments
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you know who ramona cordova is therefore you are alright in my book! i've never met anyone who had any idea who he is.
Hi, I'm your partner for the Critters matchbox swap. Just dropped by to let you know your matchbox will be sent tomorrow~ Hope you get it soon ^_^
Check out the new swap added to the group Indie Kids--hopefully it will be fun!
Your fridge magnets are on their way!
Hi :) your Rockets and Robots package is going out in todays mail, I hope you will enjoy it!! greenthumbgirl♥