Hi Tiffany! A belated thank you for your sweet note on my profile. :) I'm so excited to see that you've joined a couple of my swaps-- looking forward to swapping with you! xo Arianne
Hi there Tiffany - I'm one of your partners for "Super Simple Swap: The Middle Name Game." Nice to meet you =)
My middle name is ♥Elizabeth♥ - it is a very common name in the UK where I live, but the reason behind my parents' choice is because it is BOTH of my great-grandmothers' name and I never had the chance to meet either of them. It is also our Queen of England's name so perhaps my family are just very patriotic and love our monarchy, haha!
Hope you enjoy this swap, please feel free to comment back to this with your middle name too. Take care =)
P.S. You have great taste, Audrey Hepburn is a dream!
Hi again! I'm one of your partners for "Super Simple Swap: The Middle Name Game." My middle name is Crista. While the name isn't too unusual, the spelling is a bit different; that's because I was named after (of all the random things) a Christian broadcasting company in the Seattle area. Actually, maybe it wasn't so random -- I grew up to become a broadcaster, so it seems my parents made a good choice! :-)
My middle name is Lane :) It is my grandmother's maiden name and I am proud to have it and be named for her. I hope to live on a Liberty Lane some day in the future- just for giggles! ;) Have a wonderful day! :)
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!
Love this verse, not only because my name is in it, but because of the meaning behind it. Only the spirit of the Lord brings us true freedom. :) Have a blessed day and thanks for joining my swap!! -your favorite scripture swap
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.
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Hi Tiffany! A belated thank you for your sweet note on my profile. :) I'm so excited to see that you've joined a couple of my swaps-- looking forward to swapping with you! xo Arianne
hi there! i did receive your BEAUTIFUL postcard today. i absolutely love it. thank you so very much! :)
Hi chickadoo! Just dropping you a line to say hello and hoping that your week is going well. ;)
Hi there Tiffany - I'm one of your partners for "Super Simple Swap: The Middle Name Game." Nice to meet you =)
My middle name is ♥Elizabeth♥ - it is a very common name in the UK where I live, but the reason behind my parents' choice is because it is BOTH of my great-grandmothers' name and I never had the chance to meet either of them. It is also our Queen of England's name so perhaps my family are just very patriotic and love our monarchy, haha!
Hope you enjoy this swap, please feel free to comment back to this with your middle name too. Take care =)
P.S. You have great taste, Audrey Hepburn is a dream!
Hi again! I'm one of your partners for "Super Simple Swap: The Middle Name Game." My middle name is Crista. While the name isn't too unusual, the spelling is a bit different; that's because I was named after (of all the random things) a Christian broadcasting company in the Seattle area. Actually, maybe it wasn't so random -- I grew up to become a broadcaster, so it seems my parents made a good choice! :-)
My middle name is Lane :) It is my grandmother's maiden name and I am proud to have it and be named for her. I hope to live on a Liberty Lane some day in the future- just for giggles! ;) Have a wonderful day! :) -Liberty
Also, welcome to swap bot :)
2 Corinthians 3:17
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!
Love this verse, not only because my name is in it, but because of the meaning behind it. Only the spirit of the Lord brings us true freedom. :) Have a blessed day and thanks for joining my swap!! -your favorite scripture swap
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.