Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 10:56 pm


Date Joined: September 16, 2009
Last Online: July 26, 2024
Birthday: August 18
Country: United States
My Postcrossing Profile
Etsy Wishlist

Sati's Human?

I'm really, really interested in acquiring/trading foreign currency.

Sati is my cat. I am her human. She passed away in Jan 2020, but she is still my baby, hence my username. I also have four other kitties, Gravy Boat, Isis, Peta, and Elliot. Yes, I am a crazy cat lady and I love my animals more than absolutely anything else on this planet.

After cats, my other favorite animals are flamingos, seahorses, hedgehogs, frogs, penguins, turtles, llamas, geese, snakes...pretty much anything that isn't a spider is cool with me. I like animals more than most people, which is why I spend lots of time introvert-ing with my cats.

I love foreign things - languages, people, cars and alcohol. If you speak a foreign language and want to tickle my fancy just write something in it. I don't even care if you translate it for me, I just like the way it looks! I also collect foreign currency and spoons.

My favorite color is purple. I'm also fond of green, orange and silver.

I love Jon Bon Jovi.

I am an atheist, child-free by choice, pro-choice, vehemently liberal, pro-LGBTQ rights, a mental health advocate, an avid reader, into body modification, and a letterboxer. Some people may warn their children about people like me because I'm heavily tattooed and pierced. But I promise I'm harmless.

I am impossible to offend. The raunchier, the better. I love adult coloring books (by which I mean curse words, sexual innuendo, offensive themes). While I like to laugh at things that most people dislike, I don't condone hate speech or cruelty.


  • Alice in Wonderland is my passion. I am primarily interested in the Lewis Carroll version with the original illustrations by John Tenniel, but I also like the Disney and Tim Burton versions. The Cheshire Cat is my favorite character.
  • Harry Potter (Hufflepuff)
  • Coca-Cola
  • Jagermeister
  • Foreign currency
  • Canada
  • I letterbox as well. I am Sati's Human on Atlas Quest. I am also a member of Postcrossing.com.


  • dark chocolate
  • caramel
  • chai tea latte
  • coffee
  • Toffifee/Toffifay (depending on which country you're in)
  • Maple Nut Goodies
  • anything from Trader Joe's
  • Yuengling
  • Magic Hat #9



Eurotrip, Dodgeball, The Usual Suspects, The Wedding Singer, Miss Congeniality, Dangerous Beauty, Shrek, The Princess Bride, The Crow, Office Space, most anything from the MCU


nip/tuck, Dirty Jobs, Scrubs, Family Guy, Intervention, The Office (US version), Weeds, Breaking Bad, The Big Bang Theory, Tosh.0, The Daily Show, Ren and Stimpy, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black


80s! Bon Jovi, Poison, Motley Crue, Skid Row, Guns N Roses, Duran Duran, Firehouse, Nelson, Cinderella, etc.

I love Fleetwood Mac.

And of course the music that characterized my angst-ridden teenage years - Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Korn, Tool

The last concert I attended was Bon Jovi (of course).

Since there aren't any strictly 80's or angst-ridden stations around here, I listen to classic rock during the day. My favorite morning show is 2GNC.


I will read anything you put in front of me. I like fiction, erotica, autobiographies, murder mysteries and feminist literature. David Sedaris, Anne Rice and Jeanette Winterson are just a few of the authors I enjoy. I just finished "Spare" by Prince Harry (Can I still call him that?). I'm not obsessed with the royals but I was curious to see what he had to say. It was interesting, but not riveting.

Swap Interests

You can get a pretty good idea of my interests by taking a glance at the groups I'm a member of. I really like learning paper crafts (especially one page wonders), mail art, profile surprises, coloring collaborations, postcard exchanges, and making lists.

I appreciate when someone takes the time to personalize a swap or includes a special tuck in. I don't hold hearts hostage based on this, I recognize the hard work that goes into every swap.



  • chapstick
  • It's Happy Bunny
  • Flying Spaghetti Monster
  • Harry Potter (especially the Weasley twins and Hufflepuff)
  • Luxo Jr. (the Pixar lamp)
  • mermaids
  • She-ra Princess of Power
  • long, dangly earrings
  • silver jewelry
  • Duke Blue Devils basketball
  • Appalachian State University (my alma mater)
  • anything ostentatious


I'm very easy to please. I'll take new, storebought, freebies, ads, homemade, and Zazzle cards. I have no preference if it is naked or in an envelope. I like all kinds of postcards; the weirder, the better. If you have a postcard you don't know what to do with or that you think no one will like, then send it to me. I like postcards from foreign countries (preferably in their language), tourist cards, unusual places, something you made yourself, a card you made yourself that represents one of my interests (for instance, the Appalachian State University logo, a bottle of Magic Hat #9, a TPS report, or a Canadian flag). And if you really want to make me scream like a little girl, I love to receive cards with:

  • flamingos

  • giraffes

  • pelicans

  • penguins

  • chinchillas

  • cats

  • emus

  • llamas

  • spoons

  • mermaids

  • Harry Potter

  • Alice in Wonderland

  • cupcakes

  • hedgehogs


  • having my name misspelled
  • people singing along with the radio
  • grape or cherry flavored candy
  • the color gold
  • bags of any type
  • gummy candy (bears, worms, etc.)
  • powder based things like Jell-O or Koolaid
  • overtly religious stuff
  • anything child related (Anne Geddes, Precious Moments, etc.)
  • anything that pertains to babies, having babies, weddings, “kiddish” items, teaching stickers

The Christmas Contradiction

I love Christmas but I am not religious. For me it is all about sensory indulgence. I love the lights, the smells, decorations, ornaments, cards, trees, presents, and carols. I love the commercial hype, not the proselytizing.

Swap Policy

I promise to send and rate on time. If you don't receive something, please let me know.

However, I am not a Swap-zi. I am not going to count the days between the deadline and the postmark, unless it is an egregious amount of time. We are all here to have fun and I understand that life happens. If there is an issue, just let me know. That being said, I mark my items as sent when I click send or put them in the post. If it is after the collection time or a holiday, the mail will be picked up the next day.

alt text


krspellman rated for Coloring Collab 2024 #7 on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: thank you for the postcard, i look forward to coloring and sending home :- )
rkassman rated for AMA Pass and Paste # 116 JULY on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the 2 pass and paste postcards, looking forward to adding my additions and seding them on/home!
Comment: Your card finally arrived, phew! Thank you!
Comment: Thanks!
Comment: Thanks so much! I enjoyed reading your list of likes!
SeleneW rated for Coloring Collab 2024 #6 on Jul 3, 2024
Comment: Thank you!
Comment: Thank you so much for your lovely letter written on 3 different postcards. How nice that you are taking care of so many cats in your home. Sounds amazing! I wish you a fun summer. Take care :D
JuneRosebud rated for USAPC: Tag With Prompts #6 June on Jun 29, 2024
Comment: Sherra, What an awesome looking tag!! I loved the color theme you used, too. Thanks for joining the swap & a great tag!!
SkaGirl rated for SONG THEME #45 on Jun 29, 2024
Comment: Thank you! :)
Comment: Thank you for the cute card and your answers! I only drive manual too! The Forever stamps will be 73 cents for letters, 56 cents for postcards and $1.65 for intl starting 7/14. Additional ounce will be 28 cents. Decent increase... : ( I will keep sending but I have really had to cut way back on packages. Hope you enjoy the weekend!
Response: That is crazy! I remember when stamps were 29 cents!
Comment: Thank you! I'll sign and pass along :)
Comment: The folder is beautiful thank you.
Comment: Thank you for the fun postcard!
MiRdLHWY43 rated for LSS: ABC's of Songs #2 on Jun 13, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the list of awesome songs! I love this vintage postcard too because I grew up in the Chicago burbs so this is a perfect choice for me. The Motels are an 80s band so it works for the swap too!
Response: That's awesome! I'm so glad you like it.
AuntieBlythe rated for Coloring Collab 2024 #5 on Jun 10, 2024
Comment: Thank you
SkaGirl rated for Lists Galore! on Jun 8, 2024
Comment: Thank you! :)
Trekky1 rated for Lists Galore! on Jun 7, 2024
Comment: Thanks for a great swap!
Comment: Thanks for the postcard and sharing your honest answer. You are so right in your perspective!
Response: Thank you! I think people fall in love with the notion that you can get by on sprinkles and rainbows when the fact is that you need money to do EVERYTHING and there is no denying that.
Sonya rated for AMA Pass & Paste # 115 May on Jun 4, 2024
Comment: Thanks for your new PC, Sherra. I'll continue with your collage theme. Cheers!
Newlybird17 rated for SONG THEME #42 on Jun 4, 2024
Comment: Love the cat PC!! Yes, Surprisingly this was a challenging one, like your choices. THanks!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 1317 5 5
Completed Fives Threes Ones
1109 1831 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
228 695 186 0
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Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


wolfeagle on Oct 23, 2023:

Thank you so much for the ephemera and blank ATC coins that you sent for the Send to the person above you tag. They will be great to use in some art.

LauraM540 on Oct 8, 2023:

Thanks fo the Alice themed envelope from the PF Tag!

MuggleMom on Sep 1, 2023:

So happy to see you in the Purple Craze group!



ladyaries7 on Oct 29, 2022:

Thanks so much for the note, postcards and stickers from the swap tag us tag! :)

lilmissthrifty on Oct 2, 2022:

Thank you Satis Human. I love all the notecards and will put them to good use. Happy mail day!!!

lunatenchi on Sep 16, 2022:

Sherra, thank you so so much for your letter and goodies! Alice in wonderland is great!! lolol <333

iowa05 on Sep 13, 2022:

Sherra!! 💕 Thank you so much for the sweet, chunky package of goodies for the 'Send to the Person Above You' trade. I loved everything - especially the holographic stickers and floral bookmark. 😉 You're a gem!

user6937 on Sep 9, 2022:

Sherra, I've received ANOTHER postcard (love Animal Box and TY SO MUCH for the quarters) and answer to my question about your fave food! I'm actually having a toasted tomato for lunch today (it's a Heritage Tomato I just bought at the Farmer's Market that just opened up ($3.09 for the tomato, but I'm going to save the seed and plant them next spring). Thanks again :)

user6937 on Aug 30, 2022:

Hi, Sherra! I've received the Postcard Question tag today; I love tomatoes, too (I have a LOT of little tomatoes growing in my garden that I get to eat whole) - my favourite is a toasted tomato sandwich, and my favourite dish is spaghetti. Thanks so much for putting it into an envelope.

Craynie on Aug 30, 2022:

Thank you for swapping with me! It was great to receive your package!

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