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Date Joined: September 6, 2011
Last Online: January 19, 2019 Birthday: September 19 Country: Japan My Website Etsy Wishlist |
Heyho! Wazzup ? :D I'm a graduate student currently studying in Japan^^ I enjoy doing arts and crafts at leisure time. Also I very much enjoy watching anime and reading manga and books about magicians ^__^ I like listening to J-Rock+Pop and other rock music but I also like classical music.
I also like looking at nice stamps so it makes me extra happy if you use some nice postage stamps on the envelope/postcard ^-^
Origami. Mail Art. Drawing. ATCs. Rubber Stamping.
Sherlock Holmes. The Black Magician Trilogy. The Traitor Spy Trilogy. The Thief Lord.
.hack/QUANTUM. Pokemon. Fairy Tail. Detective Conan. Shugo Chara. Death Note. Naruto. Watashi ni xx shinasai. Yamada-kun to 7nin majo, Irozuku ashita kara he, Relife
Pikachu. Charizard. Cindaquil. Tornupto. Bashamo. Dedenne. Mijumaru. Shaymin. Hawlucha. Fokko.
I played the games in different languages so I don't know all english names :P
...kawaii Characters
Sentimental Circus. Mamegoma. Rilakkuma. Diddl. Moomin. Bonbonribon. Chibi anime characters. badtzmaru. classic/traditional Hello Kitty. Any cute characters especially rabbits and squirrels! ^__^
The Three Musketeers (2011). Jacky Chan Movies. How to Train Your Dragon 1+2. Detective Conan Movies. Battle Royale. Ghibli movies.
...Television Series
The Big Bang Theory. SHERLOCK. Navy CIS.
Gokusen. The Blacklist. Secret Garden. Dog with Blog. The Fosters. Heroes.
Homemade Kazuko. Block B. Linkin Park. Kamikazee. Hale. Billy Talent. Fanta 4. Def Tech. Nightmare. the Gazette. Skillet.
Murakami Takashi. Kagaya. Hokusai. Simone Legno (Tokidoki). Luis Royo. Victoria Frances. Eri Kamijo. Mucha.
Blue. Green (but no olive green) Neon Colors.
brown items (except it's seasonal or on squirrels ;) clowns (no I'm not afraid of them, I just don't like clown items), modern Hello Kitty items (I think this type is actually only in Europe)
I don't like to receive religious items or psalms except easter bunny, santa claus and reindeer. (It didn't happen before but I just want to make sure ;)
...receiving BULKY ATCs Please.. if you're doing an ATC for me please don't put any thick embellishments on it because I like collecting them in an album which isn't really possibly with bulky items.. >__<
I also don't like VINTAGE style ATCs.. It's just not a style I'm enjoying. Tastes differ and this is simply not my taste. So safe them for the ones who do enjoy them ;)
...a lot:
ATCs. ATC sleeves with motives. commemorative postage stamps. stamps. stamped images. kawaii mini memo paper. washi tape. wise saying/quotes and of course wisdom ;)
Gotta catch 'em all ;) Here I will list all the Pokemon I got an ATC of ^__^ I have the naive idea that someday I'll catch them all;)
Vanillite, Pikachu, Voltorb, Fennekin, Dedenne, Shaymin (land form), Oshawott (Gijinka Version), Plusle, Cyndaquil, Cubone, Quilava, Pancham, Mew, Gengar, Umbreon
I am currently looking for swappers who would like to swap ATCs for any of the following themes:
Hermit & Sakuya (.hack//QUANTUM)
Any of the following Pokemon: Dragoran, Pichu, Togepi, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Typhlosion, Bulbasaur, Charmeleon, Vaporeon, Farfetch'd, Wynaut, Hitmonchan, Hawlucha, Growlithe, Delibird, Latios, Latias, Plusle & Minun(in one ATC),Latios&Latias (in one ATC), Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gengar
I prefer to swap two or three ATCs at once because of postage. ^^;
If you like to swap just pm me ^__^

Happy Easter!
♥From the FRIENDLIES : ) GROUP!♥
Hi! Just dropping by to say hello and want to invite you to check in on the Friendlies :) group anytime. We've got a lot of great swaps and fun forum games going on.
Hi, Thank you for joining Friendlies :) I am looking forward getting to know you in the group.
Hello, I've just found your request ;)
Happy Fall from the I LOVE Kawaii group!