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Profile Check for PEN swap! Welcome to swap! Happy swapping, jaimierandolph
Thank you for joining my one stamp wonders swap...I hope you enjoy yourself and will check out some of the other one stamp wonders swaps in the future.
Hi Patty, I was just checking to see if you'd received the gelpens I sent you?
hi did u send me fun tea note card as i recived one this week and finding to rate as i dont have anyone left to rate
Welcome to the group! Looking forward to seeing you around our forums. :)
Hey thought you may be interested in my new Writing Buddy Pen Pal Swap Keep Smiling!
Thanks for joining the Open Verse Poetry swap!
Love my B-day card and thank you for thinking of me:)
Welcome to the group!
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Profile Check for PEN swap! Welcome to swap! Happy swapping, jaimierandolph
Thank you for joining my one stamp wonders swap...I hope you enjoy yourself and will check out some of the other one stamp wonders swaps in the future.
Hi Patty, I was just checking to see if you'd received the gelpens I sent you?
hi did u send me fun tea note card as i recived one this week and finding to rate as i dont have anyone left to rate
Welcome to the group! Looking forward to seeing you around our forums. :)
Hey thought you may be interested in my new Writing Buddy Pen Pal Swap Keep Smiling!
Thanks for joining the Open Verse Poetry swap!
Love my B-day card and thank you for thinking of me:)
Welcome to the group!