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TeaNi on Aug 12, 2010:

Welcome to the USA swappers group! I hope you'll check out our current swaps, forum tags, and monthly giveaway, and join in the fun! Also, please remember to update your group settings to receive our announcements and new swap notifications so you're always in the loop!:)

DancingWolves on Aug 11, 2010:

Hello Nicole,

My name is Sze-Eih and I'm your partner for Read my Profile and Leave a Nice Comment! WOW was the first thing that came to my mind, after reading your profile. I will definitely come to you first, about my husky before taking her to the vet. I love tattoos. Got my first two in Jan. 2010, though I've wanted one for a very long time. My hubby and brother-in-law finally talked me into it. Now I want more...LOL

How long have you been collecting postcards? I've been collecting for years, but have slowed down a bit. I see that you're looking for swappers. I like swapping fat mails, so hit me up and let me know what you can send. I hope to get to know you better. You take care and smile always.


Bellachey on Aug 10, 2010:

hey thxs for the reminder i sent out my swap today!=D

gypsyinthecastle on Aug 10, 2010:

Nicole- Hey i am in your necklace swap--- this is actually lilyhernandez23. I just wanted to let you know im sending today but it wont let me log out of my boyfriend's mom's name and into mine for some stupid reason :L Soooo i cant mark it sent :( But i am sending and i cant remember what my partners screen name is on here and i cant figure out how to find her to let her know without being on my own profile. But she will recieve on time either way. Thanks for the great swap! <3 Lily

acescorcio on Aug 9, 2010:

Hi Nicole! Nice to met you! It is so interesting that this swap we can meet people who has the same interests just looking at their profiles, it is a new experinece for me! As you I love to writting letters and animals, I have some pets that I consider as my family. The work that you do with then is so special, I would love to have you by my side here in Brazil to share your experience and to acquire knowledge the people who the animals also feel as the human beings. I also help a Animal Shelter here in Brazil called "Rancho dos Gnomos" which rescues animal from circus , unhappyly some Brazilian states still authorize circus to have animals for presentation, most common are lions. What Nici is one as you mentioned in your proflie?Maybe I have here in Brazil and can send to you. Wow! I love tattos but do not have enough courage to do one, but if one day I will have courage I will make one ladybug (my fave) in my foot! Kind Regards from Brazil!


panda47 on Aug 8, 2010:

Looks like a few more swappers joined your mini stuffed animal bonus swap. That's great but I was looking forward to being your swap partner. I was wondering how that braclet would look on my wrist... Good luck on the swap!!!

HouseOfHearts on Aug 8, 2010:

Alt text Hello New Friend!

After reading your profile I really think that we should be penpals as so many of our interests are the same. Although I am not as amazing of a person when it comes to animals as you. (Way to go on your achievements and caring so much of the animals of the world!)

My boyfriend & I recused our little street cat Pixel who just happened to be pregnant at the time & I could not part with all of the litter so we kept 2. I like things in 3's so it works well for me :) They are like my children and even though I am super allergic to them I could never part with them.

I hope you are having an amazing summer!

Crystal Swap ~ Read my Profile & Leave a Nice Comment!

susanfblair on Aug 8, 2010:

Hey! Thanks for the nice comment! We have a lot of stuff in common. I am getting ready to try my very first ATC soon too. I dont have any and have never tried but I want to..maybe. Also wanted to let you know I looooooveeee NYC. My friend and I try and visit each year around the holidays. We are gonna miss out this year which Im sooo sad about because Im starting a new job tomorrow and unsure of the time off situation but I am pissed about it. GRrrr. Sooooo awesome all the work you do with animals. My dogs and cat are my life and love them more than anything:0) Keep up the awesome work and hopefully we will be partners again soon :0)

thebeholder on Aug 6, 2010:

Hi there! Your necklace is on it's way! I hope you like it!

MrsHonniB on Aug 6, 2010:

Thank you for letting me into your necklace-swab! My profile is filled-in now!

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