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Suneyflower on Aug 15, 2012:

Hello there!Hope your summer months have been pleasant! =) I sent a little present to you mailbox so keep an eye out for it! Though it probably still takes at least a week to where you are haha

Suneyflower on Jun 28, 2012:

Scotland sounds awesome! Will you go see the castles and such? or spend more time in the cities? Unfortunately we're having a heat wave here (typical) it will be in the 90s for most of the week across most of the east coast. Just did the conversion, so it would be about 32 Celsius and higher by your measurements. My family and I are celebrating the fourth of july this weekend/week by going to the beach. Can't wait!

Suneyflower on Jun 19, 2012:

That's cool, you're lucky you're in Europe! It seems like travelling is so much easier!. I've really only been to paris and london. And only the east coast of the USA since my family doesn't like to travel too much. Ew the weather sounds awful. Here it's nearly the same except the sun is out and it is not going to storm for at least a couple days. Boo ~Allison

Suneyflower on Jun 16, 2012:

Thanks! I need all the luck I can get! Well I live near DC so theres alot of different jobs I could get. I could be an interior designer with a big firm and do commercial (stores, restaurants), hospitality (hotels, hospitals, nursing facilities) government (embassies, government buildings in the states and overseas) or Residential (houses apartments) Right Now I'm working in a kitchen design showroom just working the desk every once and a while and I'm hoping I get a job with a fancy furniture store nearby (as a starting off point) I didn't even notice that English was anything but your first language! Its awesome! My french is pretty awful, but I managed when I was in Paris. I was only there for a week (during spring break this year in march) for a class on religious minorities. So we got to see/experience things that many other tourists are not exposed to. I had been to Paris before when I was in highschool on a short trip and I was determined to go back because I missed alot of the major things I wanted to see. I have to go back at least one more time since both times I've been on the Eiffel tower it has been miserable and rainy. Beautiful day today! Not too hot either. And no storms anywhere near! too bad I'm stuck at work all day haha ~Allison

Itti on Jun 15, 2012:

Hi, this is for the "Profile Fun! ♥ Inspirational Quote ♥" swap. An quote that inspires me is "You can keep going long after you can't." It sounds glib at first but when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Humans have a lot more stamina than they think they do. I have it on my fridge to remind me to keep at it even when I think I can't take it any more!

Another quote that has personal meaning for me is, "There will come a time when you think everything is finished. That will be the beginning." This really helped me a lot during a particular period in my life.

Suneyflower on Jun 14, 2012:

Hi Katharina! Yep interior design can be pretty creative sometimes, I'm trying to find a job with my new degree so its a bit rough at the moment. What languages are you studying? Sometimes I randomly decide to pick up new languages as the area I live in is pretty diverse. So far I've taught myself some korean (mostly how to read it) and French (for studying abroad) but I'm no where near fluent. I also took spanish in school so its fun to "eavesdrop" to practice learning. Hope its a pretty day in Germany! Its cloudy where I am! ~Allison

Suneyflower on Jun 13, 2012:

Hello! "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams" Henry David Thoreau

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." Ralph Waldo Emerson

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

Have a great day! =) (also its cool you're studying languages!)

froglet on Jun 13, 2012:

Inspirational quote:

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." -Helen Keller

And two quotes that just always make me giggle:

Homo sapiens who dwell in crystalline domiciles should refrain from hurling geometrically-shaped projectiles.

A spasmodic movement of optic is as adequate in each and every respect to an inclination of the cranium to an equine quadruped devoid of its visionary powers.

Have a spiffy day!

NurseJana on Jun 13, 2012:

Here is your "inspirational quote." I hope it finds you well and filled with happiness! Happy Swapping!

There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties, or you alter yourself to meet them. - Phyllis Battome

<3 NurseJana

msmaggie on Jun 12, 2012:

Hi Antimi,

Here is an inspirational quote for you :)

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” ~ Ella Fitzgerald ~

I Like this quote because like art, no matter what you do, it is still art, and as long as you are trying.. you succeed ;) Have a great day!!!


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