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miablancs on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG ~ Spring Seasonal Food Swap

Sorry I forgot one last food. While living in Greece you could smell this bread being baked everywhere and it is so tasty

miablancs on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG ~ Spring Seasonal Food Swap

I hope you enjoy the foods I have chosen for you. If you have any questions about the foods I would love to tell you more about them.

Spring means Mango season in the Caribbean and it is best time to purchase imported Mangos

Fiddleheads can even be found wild in forests. They are great cooked but delicious on sandwiches with cream cheese.

Easter bun and cheese is delicious!

yvonne401 on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG ~ Spring Seasonal Food Swap

I hope you like the pics and gifs that I've chosen for you.

Happy Spring!



yvonne401 on Mar 16, 2017:

APDG 🌸 Happy 🌻Spring 🌼Deco Swap 🌹

I hope you like the pics and gifs that I've chosen for you!

I hope it feels like spring in your neighborhood. In my neighborhood it is cold and snowy and spring is coming in 4 days.




njstauter on Mar 10, 2017:

I've enjoyed reading your profile and love all the hearts you have. Thanks for leaving a spring cleaning comment on mine. Happy Spring!

PrairieKittin on Feb 20, 2017:

I really hate cleaning, so I try to take as many shortcuts as possible and make it go as quickly as possible. ...
First of all, it makes sense to me to do a top-down approach. I picture bringing positive energy from above to below.
First, put on some Goddess music. (I like We All Come From The Goddess:

Now, while you are listening to an energy song, dust the ceiling fans and get those corner cobwebs. Do this in all the rooms.

I do all the public rooms next, so that if I don't have enough energy to finish, at least that's done in case I get company.

If you've dusted above, theoretically there is dust on the furniture and floor. So, pick up the clutter, then dust.

After that, do the floor. If you mop, use a magickal floor wash. There are some great recipes here:

If you have carpet, mix some lavender, mint and baking soda. Sprinkle on the carpet. Let it sit for a few minutes while you go get a cold drink and a snack. When you get back, vacuum it up.

If you are anything like me, the windows haven't been cleaned since last spring (if ever!). They need to be cleaned to let the Sun in. You can make up a special wash solution, but I find that Windex works just as well. Now, go get some clear fingernail polish and pick a corner of the window. Paint a pentagram (or your favorite magickal symbol) on the window. (I usually make it about 2 inches tall.) (I also do this on my car windshield, by the way). The cool thing is... it will throw a pentagram shadow on the floor or wall and drive people crazy looking for where the shadow is coming from! LOL!!

If you've gotten the dusting, windows and public rooms clean, you deserve a break! Go ahead and take a break, and come back in a month or so to do the rest of the house! :-)

PrairieKittin on Feb 20, 2017:

Beet Orange Salad
Here is a great salad for your spring Equinox brunch.

Preparation Time: 1 hour pre-prep, 10 minutes to toss it together

2 large beet roots
2 large oranges
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
alfalfa sprouts or any other Sprouts
Baby Greens
Blue Cheese or feta (optional)

for dressing, whisk together:
1 c sunflower seed oil
Juice of 1 orange
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
salt & black pepper
1 tsp chopped fresh basil leaves

Roast your beets the night before. To roast them, scrub them and cut off the greens (save these and steam these to serve as a side dish tossed with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Tasty!). Do not peel but rub the skin with vegetable oil. Place the beets on a cookie sheet and put in a 400 degree over for about 45 minutes or until they are soft. Remove and let cool.

Also the night before, whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing and let the flavors blend in the fridge.

Peel and section the oranges and combine the sections with the cooled beets. Sprinkle with sprouts of your choice.

Toss with the dressing.

Serve over a bed of baby greens and sprinkle with sunflower seeds just before serving so they stay crunchy. Sprinkle with feta or bleu cheese as well if you like.

Additional Comments:

In this recipe the chthonic energy of the beets and the solar energy of the orange blend delightfully to symbolize rebirth making this salad a perfect complement to any meal celebrating rebirth. The sprouts and seeds support that notion making this salad suitable for any celebration along the theme. The bright colors are evocative of Eos, the Goddess of Dawn. Try this for your spring Equinox feast!


paperfilia on Feb 19, 2017:

Hi! Here are your hearts from me for APDG ❤ Lottsa Hearts! ;-)





Janevey on Feb 19, 2017:

APDG 💙💚💛❤️💜 Lottsa Hearts! ;-)

Hello! Here are some hearts to brighten up your day. Enjoy :)

kdeorne1 on Feb 18, 2017:

APDG 💙💚💛❤️💜 Lottsa Hearts! ;-)

Here are some of my favorite hearts as of today. I hope you are having a good day.

~Karin / kdeorne1

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