Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 5:09 pm


Date Joined: September 18, 2023
Last Online: July 25, 2024
Birthday: September 10
Country: Taiwan
kiyasu.etsy.com (Etsy shop)
www.kiyasugreen.com (my home page)
www.flickr.com/photos/kiyasugreen (mail photos)

About Me

You can send surprise mail to me. My address is below:
6F, № 60, Lane 85
Baoqiao Road, Xindian District
New Taipei City 231-45 TAIWAN

I am a psychic investigator and illustrator. You can learn more about me on my Web site at www.kiyasugreen.com. I also create and manufacture my own card decks like playing cards and other kinds of decks (see some of my decks here), so would like receiving cards and decks. It also makes me very happy if you can draw my site's mascot character called "Reeruro," who is a fictional spirit character I created and designed in 2009. Feel free to include other "usual mail goodies," candy, teabags, and pretty much anything you want.

If you want me to consider "pen palling" with you, it is important to me that you keep my mail or you at least enclose back my letters and envelopes (and anything else you don't keep) in your response letters to me. It helps if you can write in your letter how you keep your letters or at least if you don't then that you will enclose all my letters and envelopes back to me with each correspondence. Please do not reuse parts of my envelopes or letters for "making art." :( Also please try not to ask me for answers, information, advice, items, etc. for free that I charge people money for in my services on my Web site and Etsy shop. I prefer you e-mail me instead of using Swap-bot's messages system; my e-mail address is: [email protected]

Not Rated Yet (31 Swaps)

Last Update: July 26th, 2024 (Friday)

For the list, please check the "kiyasu - Non-Raters, Flakers, Etc." document.

Alphabetical List (154 Swaps)

A convenience links list of every single Swap-bot swap I have ever participated in. For the list, please check the "kiyasu - All Swap-bot Swaps" document.


cst8411 rated for WIYM: YELLOW mail art env with note on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Dear Kiyasu, I feel absolutely honored to have received such a lovely envie and an even lovelier note card from you. I shall cherish it forever!
Comment: ooooo!!! another wonderful swap with Kiyasu!!! Tha card is delightful and the envelope so whimsical! Please feel free if you have me for more than one swap to combine the envelopes!!!! Cheers!!!
Comment: Thank you SO much for the delightful decorated envelope . . and oh my!!! those cards are SO cute!!!
bestdayever rated for WIYM: NAKED FLOWER POSTCARD #2 on Jul 18, 2024
Comment: Hello! Wow, you really squeezed a lot of words on a small space ... how do you do it :) :) :) Yes, I am a minimalist in my words, possessions and energy. You are 100% about the requirement to have a filled out profile, and even then, people don't read it sometimes.You really can't make everyone happy so make you happy! I love that you sell cards on etsy - a side hustle I have often thought about doing but never get around to it. Best wishes and I hope to see you in more swaps!
MamaKek rated for Email Accountability Swap 2024 #13 on Jul 17, 2024
Comment: As always, your lists make me exhausted lol Great job getting through what you can, and I’m proud of you for setting it aside for a weekend to relax a little!
debbiespoms rated for WIYM: What's Your Order? on Jul 16, 2024
Comment: Thank you for your fun Halloween PC and for your favorite food to order. Like you, I love the Mcfish, yum! About anything from McDonald's I like. Except their French fries. They changed the taste of them here.
diesel101 rated for PSH: Blind Postcards Swap on Jul 16, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the postcards, take care, -Manpreet
mchesser12 rated for WIYM:: IT FLIES POSTCARD #7 on Jul 13, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the pc the pterodactyl. I do like the bright colors! I look forward to seeing your future ESG swaps.
Comment: That is interesting about your sister and the shop! I will have to check it out! Have a lovely day! Happy swapping! I hope to find you again soon in my mailbox!
ceecee rated for Dear Diary Post card on Jul 9, 2024
Comment: Wow you sure got a lot written on the card! Thanks for sharing your dear diary with me!
Comment: Well always nice to swap with you
Comment: Accidentally sent mine on private email but replied to yours on my swapbot email that you sent this to 😊
NatashaJane rated for LSRUS: Any Postcard to 3-Int'l on Jul 9, 2024
Comment: Always a pleasure hearing from you
redyellownow rated for E-Mail: Reverse Question Swap on Jul 7, 2024
Comment: Excellent questions, thank you. I enjoyed answering them.
MeetSarah87 rated for E-Mail: Reverse Question Swap on Jul 4, 2024
Comment: Thank you for joining my swap. I liked your questions and had fun answering them. Hope to see you again in future swaps.
DrearyDreamer rated for E-Mail: Reverse Question Swap on Jul 2, 2024
Comment: Great questions!
MeetSarah87 rated for My Fast Food Orders - Email Swap on Jun 30, 2024
Comment: Thank you for sharing. It is always interesting which fast food restaurants other people like and what they usually order. McDonald’s and Burger King were also on my list. I love BKs chili cheese dishes.
Comment: Thank you for the lovely note, it was a welcomed reprieve from the normal short messages as of late.
Comment: wow! That was really detailed. I love that you shared the prices too! There were a few places that I have never heard of and some menu items that I have not tried. Thank you. My daughter is going to Taipei on her honeymoon next summer. It sounds like such a beautiful city.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 223 3 3
Completed Fives Threes Ones
153 253 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
66 72 15 0
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  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


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