Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 8:09 pm


Date Joined: May 29, 2011
Last Online: July 26, 2024

Country: United States
My Website

About Me

Yay Vegan! Being vegan is the best and most important thing about me! I love being vegan!

I'm a reader: science fiction, animal fiction, mainstream, and random non-fiction: mostly science and nature, and some autobiographies.

I keep a paper journal. And a blog, occasionally.

I'm a photographer and I print my photos up as postcards.

I enjoy art in many forms. Mail Art is awesome... And I especially love handmade cards and postcards!

Favorite Crafts

Photography My focus is urban wildlife. I go for walks every weekend and take pictures of nature; I love trees, birds, flowers and any kinds of animals that I find, including a wide variety of bugs! Photography is definitely my passion, and I love sharing my photos with the world as postcards...

Postcards I've been involved in a (5 card) monthly postcard exchange since July 2008. It's mostly defunct, but it got me started! Now I send out 100 to 150 postcards every month! I use desktop publishing software to turn my photos into postcards, which I print at home on a (very temperamental) high-end printer.

Gardening I'm a terrible gardener, but I still end up with more cherry tomatoes than I can eat! I'm mostly there for the photo opportunities. ;)

Drawing I started a daily drawing project at the end of 2019, and I'm still at it now in 2021! For the most part, I sketch birds or animals in pencil on ATC sized paper. I'm not sure I'm getting any better, but I'm proud of my collection!

∞ Rarely: Crochet, Book Making, Making Bookmarks

Fav TV and Movies

I don't watch much tv, but there are a few shows I like... Doctor Who (I love the new, but it all started with the old!), and I'll watch Firefly over and over!

Movies: Legend (the one with Unicorns!), LadyHawke, The NeverEnding Story, Ever After, The Secret Life of Pets, Serenity


2022 Feb/March... It's starting out to be the Year of the Hawks! For a while I was seeing a hawk or two most every time I go out walking!! Mostly Red Shoulder Hawks, but I've also seen a couple Red Tail Hawks and even two Cooper Hawks!! Not hawks, but still exciting: a juvenile Bald Eagle and a Turkey Vulture!

2021 It's taken a while to figure out who this year's critter is, but the Raccoons have definitely made an appearance in my l life!! 🦝🦝 It has been years since I've seen raccoons down at the little creek. But now we have a family of 4 kids (or 5?) who hang out near their den about 1/2 mile away. and there's a pair with one partner missing a tail (??!) And then there's just random sightings, not sure who they are, except they make me happy! :)

2020 Last year was my Year of the Lady Bug... and this year, seems to be the Year of the Roly-Poly! (also called Pill Bugs!) When they sense danger, they roll up into a sphere... if only humans could do that. Instead we are stuck with masks and social distancing!

2019 🐞 I keep coming across Lady Bugs! They are a symbol of good luck, and I need it. :)

Postcards and Notecards I'd love to receive nature, animals or art. But I'm not picky! I just like to get mail: send me anything, and then write something interesting in the text block! :) Also love handmade postcards and cards!

∞ Other than Nature and Animals, I am also interested in * Ocean themes * Skies, Clouds and Rainbows * Astronomy, Star Gazing and Outer Space themes

Animals I truly love all animals, even bugs, but here are a few of my most favorite! Bumble Bees & Beetles, Chickens & Turkeys, Crows, Dolphins, Elephants, Equines, Foxes, Frogs, Guinea Pigs, Humpback Whales, Mice & Rats, Octopuses, Raccoons, Sea Horses, Squirrels!

Favorite Books

Oh my gosh, I love to read! I also love to buy books, both dead-tree books and Kindle books! I tend to buy more than I have time to read. The words I live by: I can't die until I've read all my books! ;)

I enjoy reading science fiction, but lately I'm reading a lot of non-fiction. I love to read about nature and animals. And also an autobiography here and there.

Favorites in Random Order:

  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
  • Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis Series
  • The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord
  • Ancillary Justice and the Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie
  • Anything by James Tiptree, Jr
  • I think To Kill A Mockingbird is the perfect novel
  • I seek out winners of the Burroughs Medal (nature writing), the Tiptree Award (gender identity), and occasionally Hugo and Nebula winners.
  • Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men This is such an important and informative book, I think Everyone should read it! And fortunately there's an easy solution to all the problems listed... more women in leadership positions, and more men Listening to women!
  • 2021 addition... Murderbot!!!

Someday, I'd Like to TRY...

crochet amigurumi

stamp carving

drawing and colouring my own postcards

I ♥ Swap-Bot

Yay, Mailbox Joy! I love to create and send mail! I enjoy sharing my nature photography as postcards and notecards. I like to read profiles and figure out what I have that will make my mailing partner happy. I enjoy challenging myself occasionally with different kinds of swaps.

∞ 500 Swaps!

500 Swaps completed on 28 April 2019

750 Swaps on 30 August 2021

∞ 1000 Swaps!

1000 Swaps completed on 30 January 2024 with an email swap for bird photos! How appropriate!

Whee! And I can't wait for the next 1000!!

∞ Hosting

All of the swaps I create are International and Newbie Friendly. Both of these things are important to me, and I'm especially passionate about International swaps.


MarHelene rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #401 on Jul 20, 2024
Comment: Such fun to swap with you again. I love the pictures you sent!
MelissaLB rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #402 on Jul 19, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the great letter. I always enjoy swapping with you. The mallard ducklings are adorable. My garden is behaving so weird this year. Flowers are super tall and lush, but not blooming. Same with the tomato plants - they are ginormous, but no fruit. I couldn't get my zucchini to come up, so I re-seeded twice. I've never considered growing soy beans...now I'm intrigued. I'll need to research that a bit for next year. Have a great rest of summer!
TakenByChance rated for WIYM: NAKED FLOWER POSTCARD #2 on Jul 13, 2024
Comment: Wildlife and Flowers are something I love to take photos of too! Thanks for sharing one of your shots 🥰 I also very much LOVE that you used beautiful flower stamps too.
majewsju rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #400 on Jul 8, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful card and photographs. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into my envelope!
Vickyen rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #399 on Jul 8, 2024
Comment: Hi Rift! Always wonderful to have you as my partner! I hope the new Garden Director stops getting her panties in a wad over the grass in the pathways - I would think that would look better than dead dirt but hey, each to their own! How are the soybeans doing? I hope the third planting was a charm! Your notecard is just beautiful and I love the extra photos - your mail always makes me happy! All the best and thank you for hosting! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
ericabella rated for Booklines by email no. 3 on Jul 6, 2024
Comment: Thank you, rift!
Comment: I knew when I got you as a sending partner that it would be something special and I was absolutely right! That is such a fabulous picture of the baby barn swallows. I love it -- it's definitely going up on my study wall to enjoy. Thank you.
ccmmsu rated for Bird Watching via PCs - June 2024 on Jun 25, 2024
Comment: How cool that these are birds that you know and watch! Those babies are so cute, though they almost don't look real at that stage. I think it's the muppet mouths. lol Thank you so much for sharing your little friends with me!
klover rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #396 on Jun 23, 2024
Comment: Hello:-) I hope your community garden is working out. Thank you for the photos! Your photos turned out great despite being under a bridge. Beautiful birds! Love the orange, blues and yellow/golds:-)♡ I enjoyed reading about your weekend:-) Have an awesome day!:-)♡
lob rated for Email Accountability Swap 2024 #9 on Jun 21, 2024
Comment: sending vegan love! Thanks for sharing!
lisaglass rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #398 on Jun 20, 2024
Cindymt rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #397 on Jun 20, 2024
Comment: Thanks for sharing your weekend with me!
Comment: It sounds like you've been getting a lot done and especially with your garden. I have full confidence in you that you'll have it done by the date you're supposed to! Have a wonderful day and a productive upcoming week. 😀
UKrebel85 rated for Booklines by email no. 2 on Jun 8, 2024
Comment: I love that you are enjoying your book and the last line wasn't much of a spoiler. My book was also one I was reading right now and thank fully my last sentence isn't much of a spoiler either! I love the cover of your book, so much to take in!
MamaKek rated for Email Accountability Swap 2024 #10 on Jun 1, 2024
Comment: The Mail has been awful lately! I’ve had a bunch of swaps I’ve had to resend. Sorry you ended up in the same boat! And I’m sure you are a perfect Gardner ☺️ Always love how you do your chart, I will never be so organized! Have a good few weeks!
Vickyen rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #395 on May 31, 2024
Comment: Hi Rift! How wonderful to have you as my partner again! And your photos just continue to amaze me! I am glad the expense for the repairs wasn't too horrible and I can understand you wishing everything had been fixed but... So glad you both made it to the market and you could get your plants picked out! What a bummer about the postal machines messing up your pcs - so annoying! Hope you enjoyed this week as well! Today we became Grandparents again - yipppeee! I am so excited, can you tell? LOL! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
marinda rated for Bird Watching via PCs - May 2024 on May 28, 2024
Comment: Thank you very much for the pretty hummingbird! We do get hummingbirds in our backyard. I always get a kick out of seeing them.
Vickyen rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #394 on May 28, 2024
Comment: Hi Rift! How wonderful to have you as my partner! It has been ages and as always, I love hearing from you and your photos are amazing! How did the car repairs work out? I spend a few thousand earlier in the year on mine (a 2011 Altima) and decided that was still better than having a car payment! How is the gardening going? Ours will close to nothing this year with Wayne having the two knee surgeries but that is ok, he can now put his knees together and each day things seem to get better! Wow, 600 pages for one book - did you finish it yet? All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Catt007 rated for SPCP: make a bird info card on May 23, 2024
Comment: What lovely photos and I didn't know much about them, or about Woodpeckers at all. I sometimes hear them but have never seen one yet, and such a fab envelope and stamps. Thank you. Catch you soon. 😺
LadyJo rated for TGIF Weekend Notecard #393 on May 19, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful notecard filled with beautiful photos and lovely letter. So sorry about your car, but yes I know the feeling we have had ours in several times this year already. The garden sounds nice, I see weeds coming threw after nice rains and the warm weather that will do this.

Rating Overview

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LyrasHope on Jun 16, 2024:

I was out of town this weekend, and when I got back I was exhausted. But the first thing I saw was your postcard on top of my stack of mail, and when I tell you how much I loved those raccoons! Thanks for making my homecoming even nicer than it was. :)

groundhogstamper on May 2, 2024:

Thank you so much, Rift, for this post card of the three young raccoons. Yes, it had to be very special to see them on your walk during the day. Oh, I do love raccoons!

MamaKek on Dec 18, 2023:

You are just the absolute sweetest ☺️ Thank you so much for my surprise postcard in the mail today. I hope you have an amazing holiday season. ❤️ Beth

Fullsteampowell on Aug 16, 2023:

Thankee for the bonus Postcard Roulette card! It was a nice surprise.

ensigncelery on Aug 11, 2023:

This squirrel postcard you sent is SO cute! I don't think I've ever gotten close enough to a squirrel to appreciate how pretty their coloration can be. The Eastern Fox Squirrel you chose is really beautiful. What a lovely red tummy! 💜 Thank you for choosing me as a surprise partner for the postcard roulette!

veronicallama on Aug 3, 2023:

Thanks so much, rift, for the beautiful photo postcard (wooden bridge amidst leafiness). So kind of you!

Aleesha on Aug 3, 2023:

Thank you for the surprise bonus pc from the July PC Roulette swap! Is that your own dragonfly photo? It’s an awesome photo.

Leekoba on Jul 30, 2023:

Thank you for the lovely postcard for the PC Roulette July 2023! The kitty is so pretty!

explore on May 5, 2023:

Rift, thank you for the surprise postcard! I still send RAKs on swap-bot, just no more swaps or ratings. I have joined many handmade card swaps on FB which is a lot of fun. I am making stickers too for the new groups 😉

explore on Apr 15, 2023:

Rift, thank you for taking the time to send me a thank you postcard - first one I have received so far 😉. Have a wonderful April!

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