Swap-bot Time: July 27, 2024 6:40 am


Date Joined: June 27, 2018
Last Online: July 26, 2024
Birthday: January 29
Country: United States
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About Me

Envies: I make envies out of any thick and pretty recycled paper I find. I took my recycling to the drop off center and found a whole stack of Ranger Rick magazines. The front and back covers are perfect! So, don't be surprised to open your mailbox and be greeted by an animal!

I received a 3 on 2 March 2023. I used to have a bad habit of not always keeping up with deadlines. I have tried to be better about contacting people if something goes wrong. I am using this setback as a time to reset and get back where I need to be. I take comfort that I was a reliable swapper with no 3s for more than a year. But I made a mistake and fell into an old habit. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to remove old bad ratings, so my past transgressions follow me always. Please consider that I did improve from where I was, and I will be the good swapper I know I can be again.

I was hoping to put a picture of my postcard wall, but I can't sort out how to do that. The tl;dr: I have a classroom with cinderblock walls and no windows. The goal is to cover the whole thing with postcards that I've received. (I don't post the ones with nudity, alcohol, or holidays--I keep those at home). So far, I've covered the 12 foot bulletin board, the rest of that wall, round the corner, and partway across the back wall.

Time for an update!!! So, I have been an English teacher at a high school about an hour away from where I currently live for a whole year! I learned a lot in my first year, and I'm looking forward to my second year. So, it's a change from being an English professor, working with college students, to being an English teacher, working with high school students, but I will also have 11th graders starting in the fall.

There are lots of changes now in my world--like that giant drive up and down the interstate each day. I would like to be moving closer, but that is a HUGE project. I learned that it's very very hard to even keep up with basic house chores during the school year, let alone get a house ready to sell. I'm supposed to be working on that this summer, but my heat pump died, and it won't get replaced until late July. So, it's very hot with no AC in VA. I have a lent out window unit, so I often end up camping out in front of it.

I've been putting my school address on things like coloring colab postcards, because I know it might take a while before those come back to me, and that way I'll be sure to get them, even if I have a new address (as I know postcards aren't forwardable mail). In my ideal world, I'd like to move before the snow comes, but we'll have to see if the universe allows this (the housing market is CRAZY right now!). I get to wait until I find the right house because I can drive if I must, and I will be for a while. I have been searching for the right house, but only finding places that advertise as "release your inner Bob Vila!" (that's the This Old House guy. Alas, I'm much better at revision than I am at renovation.) I guess everything happens in its own time?

I restarted my blog, Hungry Like the Wolfe. I'm setting a goal of doing 1 post a week! I get behind sometimes, but I'm trying to catch up. Please check it out and follow me.

Please be careful when mailing flat things that might move around in an envie. The mail supervisor for my region is VERY PICKY. If anything bunches up in the envie, and I mean stuff as small as a few teabags or one magnet with a circle or a paperclipped collection of items that could be 3/4" thick, then he will tag it and make me pay the package rate to collect my mail.

In exciting news, I haven't had any postage due mail in more than a month now! Thank you for taping/wrapping things carefully so they don't slide around and become thick. It seems to be working!

Yes, I received a 3 on 23 September 2019. I had an irresponsible streak. It is not a fixable 3, as in I can't go back into the past and send in a timely manner. I do take pictures of all of my swaps. I mark sent when the swap is ready to go to the post office. I do contact people when a swap is going to be late. I learned from my mistakes. Most people are accepting of that, but I also now have a 3 from someone who did not accept my explanation of why a swap is late. I contacted all of my partners as I had the swaps completed but had been carrying them around with me unable to get to the post office because of back to school meetings. I don't know how to fix that, as I was being as responsible as I could.

If a swap does not arrive, please contact me before rating me a 1. I will do all in my power to fix it.

I'm an English teacher. I also enjoy reading, cross stitch, cooking, board games, Magic the gathering.

I love cats. I have one cat, Aspect, who has been my best friend for 16 years. She is now older than most of my students!

I also like owls.

The website link will take you to my food blog Hungry Like the Wolfe

I'm a big fan of coffee and tea. I like a wide variety of both. I'm very interested in trying new kinds of tea and coffee! I can use loose leaf and bagged teas.

I also really love hats and fascinators. I don't really do ball caps, but I have the look that allows me to wear Derby type hats or English fascinators (basically tiny hats on a headband). I also enjoy tiaras and other fun headpieces. I find a lot of these sorts of things at Halloween at Michael's or at stores like Claire's at the mall.

I really like large mugs for all of my hot beverages. I think delicate little tea cups are cute, but I want to drink more than a tea sample :) Oversized mugs are my favorites.

I like stickers, and I've decided that I will once again join into some sticker swaps. I do get a lot of my stickers from Current which has HUGE sticker sheets, like 9x13, so those might be cut into smaller chunks and/or should count as more than one sheet. But they have gorgeous stickers!

I also have been finding myself drawn to things with the stars and galaxies and suns and moons lately.The sky and the universe are so beautiful!

Favorite Crafts

Baking (especially at midnight)

cross stitch (I'm working on a huge dragon writer piece right now). I'm working on a second huge project of a piano being played in the woods.

I also enjoy making my own body products like bath bombs and shower cream and shampoo. I love to use my essential oils in all that I do.

If something arrives at my house made of thick enough paper, and that paper has a picture, it's probably going to be turned into an envelope. This includes catalogs, college alumni magazines, grocery magazines with coupons and recipes, calendars, the fronts of magazines, etc.

Weird Jobs

I'm a mystery shopper, which means I go into stores and ask questions and write about what happens in the encounters.

This results in people asking me weird questions sometimes like how to use a prison credit card at the gas pumps. I also get asked if I would like to join the army.

I have photographed bathroom graffiti so I have picture proof that something isn't supposed to be there.

Favorite Music

They say that most people are nostalgic for the music of when they were young adults. I am no exception. I am a little stuck in the 90s and early 00s I love the Lilth Fair set (Tori Amos, Alanis Morrisette, Indigo Girls, etc)

I also listen to a community radio station that plays music you don't normally hear on other radio stations. Carbon Leaf, for example. Or blues or such a wide variety!

In tv, I really miss Firefly!

Favorite Books

I'm an English teacher, so you might have guessed that I do love to read. I am usually reading 3 books at a time--one fiction or nonfiction, 1 romance or mystery, and 1 young adult, science fiction, or fantasy. I am also usually listening to an audiobook, which I download from the library app.

I also like to read and write about food. I'm a poet, so I also read and write poetry.

I love Harry Potter and think it's the sort of thing worth rereading.

Books are always a good choice. No Nicholas Sparks or other super sentimental (translates as I don't want to cry my eyes out when reading) or horror, but sending me books is otherwise a good idea!

I also ask that you don't send me classic literature. As an English teacher, I have access to copious copies of things like "Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc." If you read it in high school, please don't send it to me because chances are I already have a copy.


Fuzzy socks

This summer I started watching Avatar the Last Airbender, and I love it! Uncle Iroh is my favorite. Raise a cup in his honor with me!

Things that smell good. Love scented items. Favorite scents include lavender, fall scents, mint, floral, woodsy

purple and orange are favorite colors

olive drab is a color that looks really good on me

trees, though I prefer non-evergreen

I'm addicted to lip balm. I make my own and I also buy lip balm all the time

bath products. I think the best .way to end the day is with a bath and good book. Baths are best with something scented in them--bombs, salts, bubbles, oils

I geek out over stationary and pens and stickers

I LOVE puns and wordplay!

Glitter. I know it gets everywhere, but I still love it!

Please Don't Send

Recipes that require zucchini (I'm allergic). I am allergic to all kinds of squash, pumpkin, and zucchini. I have learned that pumpkin can usually be switched to sweet potato and turns out yum, but I don't know how to substitute for zucchini

Winnie the Pooh

Please no things that smell like smoke. This seems mostly to be an issue with thrift store swaps, but applies in all cases. I don't deal well with smoke smells, and I can't always wash it out/off. Then I have to throw away a gift, and that makes me sad.

Postcard Preferences

I like a wide variety of postcards. I enjoy the touristy ones, but I really like the non-touristy ones, too. I like pictures of owls, dragons, fantasy, some of the art cards, B/W photography. Things with sparkle and glitter are fine. I enjoy nature, particularly trees. Cats are wonderful on postcards.

Not a big fan of postcards with just a couple of words on a background, like "sweater weather" for fall. Would rather have a scene. That said, I got a postcard that said "Your sparkle has not gone unnoticed" in bright glittery colors, and I loved it. I like bright colors. Sometimes I love the random postcards. I like vintage ones, too, and I can get these at a local store, which is fun.


My kitty, Aspect, is 18, but still has a lot of energy. Her favorite toys include those balls that look like soccer or golf balls and are made of Nerf/sponge material or ones that are like big pompoms. She got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in January, and she now has to take medicine every day. She's doing ok, though. I give her treatos after she has her meds. She now also has to eat a special diet of food for her kidneys. I supplement with bonus foods because the most important thing is that she eats food.

When she was a kitten, she had a bat toy. It was her favorite ever, though it quickly became 2 toys: bat head and bat body. She LOVES bats. And glitter. I tell her all the time that it's ok to love glitter and Bojuka Bog (a magic card--it's ok to have a girly side and a competitive side) She also likes a catnip mouse now and again, especially the grey ones. She loves pipe cleaners and string and her laser toy. She'll run down the hall and jump to get that red dot!

Specti loves treats of most kinds.

She does not like hard plastic balls with bells in them or toys shaped like springs. I try to keep her away from too much catnip as she gets angry instead of mellow when she's had too much. She had a cactus once, as she loved to rub against it and use it a comb....until she tried to take it to bed. Then I had to confiscate the cactus. I was also recently reminded that she wants to eat Mardi Gras beads, so please do not send them to either of us. They must remain closed in a box at all times because they are shiny and she wants to eat them.

Like most kitties, she'll love the box as much as if not more than the toy :)


theirmimi rated for Find These Postcards #2 on Jul 26, 2024
Comment: Great postcards!
Comment: Great snip. Musicians in the woods definitely sounds like fun!! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer. It's raining like crazy here in Houston since Hurricane Beryl. Take care
Comment: Thank you so much for the postcards! I can't wait to use them! Have a lovely day!
simcoe54 rated for PH: Send 4 Postcards #63 on Jul 25, 2024
Comment: Great pcs. Thanks
DonniJane rated for Stuff the Mailbox #50 on Jul 24, 2024
Comment: It looks like you tried very hard to please and that meant allot. Thank you. Cutting out or blocking off to create the 14 game from my profile. Clever. My name is spelled Donni Jane. I do like the leopard note page the best. So cute.
katsanders rated for Christmas in July Card Exchange on Jul 24, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the gorgeous card!
KatKit rated for Find These Postcards #1 on Jul 24, 2024
Comment: I really like all of these cards. The cat looks exactly like one of my orange cat boys. Thanks!
spicemom rated for Stuff the Mailbox #50 on Jul 24, 2024
Comment: Hi Maryann Thank you for the goodies Spicemom
Panda1122 rated for Stuff the Mailbox #50 on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much
Newlybird17 rated for Stuff the Mailbox #50 on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the fun items! Loved the repurposed envelope and the sunset PC.
minniepic rated for PH: Scavenger Hunt for PCs #265 on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely postcards ❤️❤️ my favorite was the route 66 postcard ❤️❤️❤️
Comment: Thank you for the swap cards and the extra big-eyed spider, Maryann. Oh, and I don't think I thanked you for the extra washi eyes you sent in a previous swap, so thanks, and I'll put them to good use!
SammSews rated for Tea 3x3 with Friends! #43 on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the teas! And the very cute mushroom sticker!
Comment: Thank you for the recipes. I will try them out. Have a nice week.
HausOfImps rated for Book Log: June 2024 on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: I really enjoyed reading your letter! Very cool to receive one from someone who read very different books from me. I'm gonna check out Before We Were Yours and Adequate Yearly Progress. I do also def appreciate the mtg cards! Thank you!
Magenta3 rated for Stuff the Mailbox #50 on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the swap. The packaging was fun!
Gamanana0022 rated for PH: Scavenger Hunt for PCs #267 on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Love the cards you chose! Thankyou!!!
young46356 rated for PS: Bird Scavenger Hunt on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Thanks very much
Comment: Thank you for the Christmas gift! Love these swaps. I'm placing it with the others. Thank you so much , I sure appreciate all the great swaps from you. Happy Swapping and Merry Christmas in July!
Comment: Thank you so much all the books! I am building up my winter supply!LOL First I will read the Essex Serpent, looks good. Thank you again.

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3791 4707 5 0
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27 2829 935 0
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simcoe54 on Jan 29, 2023:

Hope you have a Happy Birthday!

MisplacedfromPA on Dec 9, 2022:

Today I opened the WIYM Advent #7 2022 gift. What a lovely scented bar of soap. Fall in Bloom scent is perfect for me. Thank you so much.

Bridgetofthedeans on Nov 22, 2022:

Thanks for the great tea selections! I'm drinking the "Christmas Morning" tea right now.. sooo good!

Snaileditcrafts on May 30, 2022:

p Thanks for joining the, "Simple Summer" Swap! Happy Swapping!

lou on Jan 26, 2022:

Happy Birthday Month from WIYM group!

bluerose3 on Dec 26, 2021:

(CPG July 2021 Stocking Stuffer) Thank you for the Cacti growing kit. I have the perfect spot for this on my new shelf next to my aloe plant :)

yvonne401 on Aug 21, 2021:

Welcome to Swaps in the U.S.A.! It's great to have you here!



OrigamiGrace on Jul 4, 2021:


Christianmom on Jan 29, 2021:

Happy Birthday!! Wishing you a happy and extremely blessed birthday filled with unimaginable joy and love.

lovesreward on Jan 29, 2021:

Happy birthday!! I wish I knew how to post cute images on here but alas I do not know how! I hope you are doing well and that you have a beautiful day!

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