Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 8:46 pm


Date Joined: December 30, 2012
Last Online: July 25, 2024
Birthday: February 26
Country: Netherlands
My hibernating blog Graasland

About Me

This profile page was updated on November 11th 2023

My nickname "GNOE" is Dutch for gnu or wildebeest.

I'm an animal loving museum information specialist, currently not working but full-time adoring her rescue cats Kuki & Sumi, and our current elderly foster Jannie. We recently also took in my elderly aunt's senior Mopje so we now have a quartet of calicos/torties! 😻😻😻😻

I volunteer at a donkey sanctuary which makes me the happiest (and luckiest) person in the world!!! Definitely a Crazy Donkey Lady and proud of it.

Also volunteering at a small city "farm" nearby where the three Hampshire Down sheep are my faves, especially Demi, the senior mum of Debra & Vera. The animals can just live their lives here and are not being exploited.

I'm vegan, which means I employ a compassionate & eco-friendly lifestyle using no animal products whatsoever. No meat, fish, dairy, eggs, honey, gelatine (gelli plate), bee's wax etcetera, nor wool, leather, silk, wool-felt or products for either crafts or personal care tested on animals or containing animal ingredients. I find this makes me feel at peace with the world. :)

Interests and themes

  • mail art and art journalling / (trashy) junk journals
  • dabbling in textile arts (visible mending, fiber mail = fabric mail art, crochet and embroidery)
  • Asia (Japan and Indonesia); Japanese and Scandinavian design
  • donkeys
  • peacocks, kingfishers and other brightly multicoloured birds for their iridescent plumage
  • gnus
  • bling (I probably was a magpie in a previous life ;-)
  • small and fragrant flowers like snowdrops, freesia, sweet pea, purple crocus, lavender and cherry blossom (sakura)
  • museums
  • reusing, recycling, repairing, repurposing and upcycling / zero waste society


  • lime green
  • ultraviolet
  • peacock palette
  • clashing combo's of yellow, orange, pink, purple and red
  • metallic colours; gold and jewel tones

I'm into cinema, books (literary fiction, J-Lit, mystery/thriller with clever female protagonist), and hiking. I used to make bentos, postcross and geocache but hardly do so these days.

Postcards or other mail (art) about anything of the above will make my day.

For tea swaps my tea of choice is green or rooibos. Preferred fruit is citrus.

JJJ: Let's Make a Junk Journal swap series

My junk journals contain genuinly reused, upcycled and found items (no trash). My style is eclectic - vintage and antique as well as modern. I have a nostalgic fondness of 1950's-1960's-1970's graphic design.

I like items that are unique. Strong colour combinations and images. Pieces of fancy papers and your own painted papers. If you're eco dyeing (paper, fabric, threads) I'd love a sample! Scraps of pretty fabrics, patches and haberdashery are very welcome. Bling and tactile things catch my eye (and breath) too.

I love cats, but only the living kind -- not planning on making a cattish journal. I mostly journal my everyday life.

For inspiration I fancy the styles of the following instagrammers: @amitybloom @roxycreationsbyrachel @cutpastesteph @mo_saddiction @ patricia.nordeen, @johannaclough and yes, @megjournals too of course.

I am not a fan of Maggie Holmes,Tim Holz, grungy or steampunk and I have no use for die cuts or scrapbook papers. Please no quotes.

About swaps


My goal when sending out swaps is to put a smile on your face. I personally think swapping should be fun and make us happy; there's too much drama in the world already.

I mark my items sent after I've dropped them in the mailbox. Where I live mail is only collected on weekdays at 5pm. Naturally I mail in time for pick-up when sending out on the last day of the swap. Swap-Bot rules speak for themselves.

I reuse -clean- packaging and such as much as possible.


If possible, I prefer to receive postcards in an envelope so I can reuse the stamps for journalling or mail art :) Love special stamps!

I have a kind of no thanks ~ I'd rather not receive list at the bottom of this page. It's there to aid you, not restrict! Of course I'll appreciate anything you send :-) I will never rate down for getting something from those lists (the thought alone is absurd to me!) If possible I will just pass along what I cannot use -- but it seems such a waste of postage and effort on your side that can be avoided.

So please don't worry about it, nor be offended?!

Wish list

These are not requests, just a few things that will make me happy. I love looking at other people's wish-lists to help me pick something nice, and I hope that's the same for you.

  • a letter -- I looooove reading letters!
  • vintage letter paper
  • postalettes
  • anything DONKEY! (though not a fan of caricature/Disney)
  • vintage/used library cards
  • embroidery thread; variegated and shiny make my heart leap and currently low on reds, purples 'n blues
  • sashiko threads
  • haberdashery in general
  • glass, wooden or metallic beads
  • pieces of fun fabric (dying for some scraps of non-silk sari, batik and kimono fabric!)
  • quality handmade postcard
  • clothes/decorative patch made by you, including Teesha Moore style puffy scrap patches
  • handmade pincushion or kit/easy instruction
  • handmade needle book with room for threader
  • sea glass
  • origami paper, esp. washi, foil, chiyogami and duo (double sided)
  • Cyrlillic and Hindi texts (preferabbly aged)
  • anything relating to my interests described earlier on this page
  • did I mention a letter? ;-)

Crazy Donkey Lady special request

USA Forever stamp

If you live in the United States and are sending me snailmail, please consider using this stamp from the Heritage Breeds USA Forever set (may 2021). It will definitely earn you a heart! Although I'm pretty generous with those already so it may not really make a difference LOL. But please know you'll brighten my day and spark my soul!

Used copies are very much appreciated too! :)

Things I don't use

To save you spending postage on items I don't enjoy/use and will only pass along -or trash in some cases- you may want to look at this list.

  • sports theme (although maybe hiking and aesthetic kinds of sports like water ballet, figure skating et cetera)
  • poetry
  • sticky notes / page flags -- I received so many they will last me a lifetime
  • girly, cutesy, children's/childish stuff (YA), kawaii, Diddle, Care Bears, Disney... you get the picture ;)
  • puffy, foam, children's, reward or crap quality stickers
  • alphabet stickers or rub-ons
  • boring plastic clothes buttons
  • touristy postcards (views) and souvenirs
  • hibiscus and red / forest fruit flavoured tea
  • jewelry and makeup; I hardly ever wear any
  • contemporary leaflets -- I have a NO JUNK MAIL sticker on my mailbox and recycle/upcycle the things that come into my house as much as possible; so please don't add to the pile LOL

For paper crafts like journalling, collaging and postcard making I mostly use repurposed, vintage/antique originals, handmade and/or quirky items - hardly ever do I pick commercialy printed journal cards, paper packs and such or punched die cuts. I also have enough old, "ordinary" book pages in different languages. Especially pretty pages or the ones relating to my likes are of course always appreciated.

Bought/downloaded snailmail items like letter sets, postcards and notecards, labels, quality stickers et cetera are also fine.

Like most people I have a small pet peeve. I really dislike "keep calm" & other motivational quotes. These seem to have the opposite effect on me LOL

There's only one quote I like:


Hey, I should get myself a T-shirt saying that! :-)

Please don't send

It probably goes without saying but please don't send me anything edible/drinkable nor care products or makeup unless you're 100% sure it's vegan. Thank you!


Myself333 rated for Ugly PC Swap #84 on Jul 25, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the definitely odd postcard, I kind of like it just because of the weird pose and "outfit" she's wearing in the painting haha. I've never heard of the Dutch Indies, so going to look into that story! Happy swapping. P.S. I love the banana stamp!
Comment: It took me a minute to find information on the internet since it's been on the Heritage site list for only 8 years. What a stunning building. I saw pictures of the inside and the windows are breathtaking. Thank you for introducing this to me. Joy
Tara21cd rated for JJJ: Goodies for Journaling! on Jul 3, 2024
Comment: What an amazing package I received today. I will definitely use everything you have so graciously gifted me. Thank you. ♥️❤️♥️
Response: I'm so glad to hear my envie hit the bullseye! Enjoy using the contents and thank you for your enthousistic rating 💙
Comment: I loved the postcards you picked! Your letter was nicely preserved with the cellophane. Thank you! Also thanks for the tea and stickers! I hope you had a grand tme with your high school friends! Happy swapping!
Response: We had fun indeed! The years fell away -- though we had to catch up too of course. Thank you for a lovely rating!
funstuff rated for PS: Scavenger Hunt Postcards #6 on Jun 27, 2024
Comment: Thank you for all of the great postcards. Its such a wonderful and great variety of cards.
Response: So glad to hear I made a good selection. And thanks for the heart!
photovivie rated for Ugly PC Swap #82 on May 28, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the funny teeth postcard! I was at the dentist yesterday 😅
Juniebird rated for Ugly PC Swap #81 on May 22, 2024
Comment: Thank you for sending the bright and colorful postcard from Oregon. I enjoyed your note on the back - the "weird" molar PC really does sound odd and would have fit the theme of the swap, but I much prefer the one you sent! Best wishes!
Response: Glad I chose well! You're very welcome and best wishes to you too.
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful tag for my journal! I love the fancy pocket and beautiful background pictures! So many lovely little embellishments too! I use different time periods so they are perfect! Happy Swapping! ❤️
Response: I'm, really glad to hear that! Enjoy :-)
soyprincesa2 rated for Scavenger Junk Journal Round 16 on May 16, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for contributing your beautiful pages. I really appreciate it! I love seeing what you guys come up with.
Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcards. I don't ever want to use them and want to keep them all to myself! It was a joy to receive this package from you. Take care and keep on swapping...
Response: Thank you for your lovely comment and heart! I'm really happy you like the cards so much.
Comment: Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love this so much !! I can understand why you had a hard time parting with it!! I really appreciate it and will show you how I will be using it!! Thank you for the goodies you tucked in as well! <3
Response: You are very welcome :-) Thanks again for hosting such a fun swap series.
UKrebel85 rated for Scavenger Junk Journal Round 17 on Apr 24, 2024
Comment: I really really like this, I love the way you added in some stitching too :)
Response: Aww thank you and good luck on remaining "school" stuff!
Nicole72898 rated for Scavenger Junk Journal Round 17 on Apr 21, 2024
Comment: Lovely
Response: Thank you ❤️
Comment: Beautiful!! I think I will try some new things next time~! You have inspired me !!!!!!
Response: Awwww that's so sweet of you to say! Thank you my dear!
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful golden Buddhist temple in Bangkok. Sorry I didn't get this rated sooner. It did arrive a few weeks ago. Time just seems to be flying this year as it doesn't seem like it should me April already. It seems that the older I get the faster it goes.
Response: You're welcome and not a problem. As a matter of fact: time _does_ go faster the older you get!!! LOL
Comment: As always, an absolute treasure! I learn a lot from these swaps and seeing everyone's techniques gives me ideas for future pages too! LOVE IT!! x G
Response: [gawd I thought this was your rating for the JJ swap #brainmush but that has yet to arrive]
Comment: Had je toch mazzel dat ik Nederlandse ben! Laatste museum dat ik geweest ben is in Tacoma (Washington) Glass Museum.
Response: Yesh, super mazzel!!! LOL En wow, dat glasmuseum lijkt me geweldig. Ik houd erg van glas! Thanks for the heart rating <3
Comment: Wow Gnoe. I do remember seeing this layout but was looking at it during a meeting and couldn't type my response or rating. I loved the stitching so much and the little girl. Precious! Red is such a great color. I loved it all so much! Thank you for participating!
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating & comment. Thanks again for hosting this inspring swap series!
lob rated for Scavenger Junk Journal Round 16 on Mar 23, 2024
Comment: You definitely captured the groovy dancing. Thanks for sharing!
Response: Aww sweet, thank you so much!
Comment: Hi there ! Yes I can understand why you don't enjoy them so much, but I'm sure I'll find them a utility ! Thanks for the stickers ! :)
Response: Sorry! I tried to pick postcards that I hated but loosely fitted your likes 🙈 #fail I hope you'll find a purpose for them indeed! Thanks for the heart, you're too sweet.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 426 2 3
Completed Fives Threes Ones
425 458 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
14 265 146 0
View all

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


MuggleMom on Jul 22, 2024:

Thank you for the postcard!! It means a lot that you can use the donkey postcards I sent - and I love that you are sharing them with your friends at the sanctuary!! I'll keep sending any I find because I know you'll do good things with them!



susieq11 on Jun 4, 2024:

Thank you so so much for the lovely birthday mail/wishes for MAW May! What a beautiful envelope and stamps! I really enjoyed reading your letter (I understand about the cats!) and love the card, postcard and magnet!! Such wonderful mail!!! I’d like to reply to you and will as soon as I can! Thank you for making me smile today!! xoxo

HippieChick on May 6, 2024:

I am so glad you enjoyed my little envelope. :) I love our re-use store but have to limit the time I go there, so I only go every few months unless I 'need' something from there. I think it would be a wonderful idea to start one up. :)

susieq11 on May 1, 2024:

Thank you for the wishes for MAW April! Thank you for your note/altered postcard, postcards and airmail envelope! Fun to see it in my mailbox in a clear sleeve! I’ve been to São Paulo and it has a neat skyline - I don’t think the postcard is ugly at all! : ) I appreciate you thinking of me!!!! xoxo

LadyJo on Apr 27, 2024:

Thank you for the MAW April wishes you sent my way! So nice to have more postcards for my Elderly project. I have 7 people right now which is my average every week!

Stellaerrans on Apr 26, 2024:

What a beautiful surprise, your snailmail... With so much care for details and composition ... for what I like... You put much time and love in it... really a gift from the ❤️ MAW April 2024

HippieChick on Apr 3, 2024:

I am happy to have mad your day a tiny bit brighter! I am always looking to add more braille paper to my stash, so I am glad you enjoy it as well. :)

ultracinematik on Mar 18, 2024:

Thank you for the wonderful birthday surprise. What a perfect little pocket for the stamps! I appreciate your well-wishes. I have a similar idea of a birthday well spent.

LadyJo on Mar 15, 2024:

Thank you for the MAW Feb wishes! These are really nice of Farm animals!

susieq11 on Mar 13, 2024:

I got your adorable postcard (perfect!) with February 29th postmark - yay!! I really appreciate it a lot! We went to Mexico City to celebrate and had the best time! I really appreciate you granting my wish! xoxo

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