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TC on Oct 9, 2013:

In case you didn't see the comments under the World Capital City postcard swap, you have to send a postcard of your country's capital. So if you have to send a card from Washington, DC, not Olympia, WA.

Snuggles555 on Oct 7, 2013:

Thank you so very much for the birthday card you sent me in September. Mine was 9-11 and you wrote a very nice note aout that date. Thanks again, Hugs, Susan

savhilt on Aug 27, 2013:

Thanks for the Orca & baby pc...week #33

TexyDeb on Aug 23, 2013:

52 pc's in 2013 thank you :D

Castlequeen on Aug 16, 2013:

Thank you so much for the Sea Lions postcard for Week 31 of 52 PCs in 2013*USA. They're such amazing creatures!

KogeLiz on Aug 5, 2013:

Thanks for the cute seal PC from the 52 PCs!

mermaidery on Jul 22, 2013:

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, please let me know when you've sent out the card so I can keep an eye on the mail. :] As for the mermaid, yes, I do sell them. She's on my Etsy shop and the hair color can be a custom color :] www.craftyish.etsy.com

mermaidery on Jul 18, 2013:

Hi. When did you send me a PM? I haven't gotten one from you. Also you said you sent the missing swap, about when did you send that? The way it seems to me is youre saying you sent it a bit ago, but I haven't gotten anything from you. Let me know.

user2637 on Jul 18, 2013:

I see you took my advice and put notes on your 1 ratings. That's a good step! If they had dates on them, it would be best but something there is better than nothing. I'm glad you're trying to make them up! I can't really comment on whether or not you're listed on a flaker list. Sorry, you're mad at me, but I do what I do for the SB community, and I succeed in making it safer every day. Also, I'm not sure what list of flakers you are referring to that I need to 'take care of'. Cheers.

user2637 on Jul 18, 2013:

I don't believe I put you down. I am simply trying to help people who come back clean up their reputations, and trying to help hosts and participants have safe swaps. I understand getting ill, but you still have an obligation to send those swaps. Putting responses to the 1 ratings with date will help hosts, participants, and the Flaker reporting groups know that you are working on fixing them. Take care.

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