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KraftsByKeri on Mar 28, 2011:

You are a stamp ROCKSTAR, Jenn!!! Thank you oodles for doing a private swap with me! I love the KBK stamp and the mini cupcake and heart. So very cute and perfectly done!! Hugs to you!!

Leashah on Mar 17, 2011:

Thank you for joining Tags, Tags, Tags!!!


KraftsByKeri on Mar 17, 2011:

kayler00 on Mar 12, 2011:

i love that giraffe stamp!!

BirdGuhl on Mar 9, 2011:

Hi Jen, I'm one of your partners for the "Let's meet. Okay. My profile or yours?" swap....

I too keep saying I'm going to take a break from swap-bot but I have too many ideas or I see a great swap and I'm reeled right back in lol

It's great you are so close to your family, mine are all so scattered around the UK I don't get to see them much but I'm super close to my sister as well and she's just an hour away.

I think we may have a similar sense of humour, I'm totally dirty minded too so no need to grow up anytime soon!

I've been and had a look around your flickr photos, you are very talented. I love your ATC's and Inchies and I'm especially impressed with your stamps, it's something I want to have a go at but haven't got around to yet!

Yay a fellow gamer girl! I'm all about Zelda and Mario :)

I love a lot of the bands you have listed, I'm seeing SOAD this summer at Download Festival! Should be epic!!!

I ♥ all the same movies too. I'm no chick flick girl :s I haven't seen What Dreams May Come in ages, so underated imo!

I really enjoyed reading your profile we have lots in common, I hope you don't take a complete break from SB anytime soon and I see you around in TD sometime. Take care hon.

Becca x

valkyr on Mar 7, 2011:

Hi Jennifer! It was nice to read your profile :-) I'm also quite a shy person, it's hard to show my personality to people I don't yet know. But I also like to crack jokes, especially with my family. We're not a very serious bunch. :) You and I also have the same view on religion.

You creating your own language sounds super cool. I actually tried to study some Quenya a few years ago but I've forgotten most of it. I'm a bit sad that I've never read the LotR books, I always got stuck at some point. But I've read The Hobbit (yay :D)! I love the world created by Tolkien and I'm happy it was made into movies by Peter Jackson so beautifully.

It's awesome that you make bead weaving! I've tried it a couple of times too. It's very intricate and requires some patience. I've seen some Native American beadwork in photos and museums and the stuff just blows me away. In your Deviant Art I saw your Day of the Dead collar which is awesome! I'm very into Day of the Dead imagery.

I could talk about a bunch of stuff too, like Naruto! I was crazy about it when I was 16. Nine Inch Nails is one of my favorite bands. Daft Punk is awesome too. Hey, I like Jorane too! :) Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Matrix, LotR trilogy, Kill Bill and Spirited Away are all very dear movies to me.

Well, take care and I hope to swap with you some day. :)

Riikka / Let's meet. Okay. My profile or yours?

VivaLaDiane on Mar 6, 2011:

I'm one of your partners for the Team Darkness Let's Meet swap. It's so encouraging to see someone else not overly subscribe to any one religious belief but to appreciate learning about some different ones. Wall E is honestly one of the best movies ever. I love how original kids movies are as opposed to adult movies that constantly remake everything. The foresight of whats likely to occur here by the way people treat the earth is such a strong message. I really enjoyed it. MUSE!!! They are amazing and I love them. Their music inspires me and allows me to go somewhere else in the world when I just close my eyes and think of them.

I have an obsession for all things Mario!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Super Nintendo games most.

OMG. Lord of the Rings. Faramir is my favorite though my heart breaks for him. I mean his own father sends him to certain death?? So so so so sad.

I absolutely loved reading your profile!!!

alexalgebra on Mar 4, 2011:

Fiji Mermaid!!! I've seen a replica. I went to the Barnum museum in Connecticut last summer. Also, my work is on my flickr.

Thanks!! Also, for the record, we saw a condom vending machine but no panties ones when we were there. Did you see one?? Lord knows we tried...ha ha ha.

Fatherted on Mar 3, 2011:

Fatherted on Mar 3, 2011:

Heho, I dont like rammstein, because the songtexts they use are really dumb. it makes no sense to me. the sound is okay, but rammsteins sounds is really simple. Knorrkator is a thing, they have really bad songs, very puberal, and they have great math songs f.e., they translated smoke on the water and sing this song, and you realise how stupid this song is. i will add some more pics of my atcs in the next days. just wanted not to spoil some partners. maybe you can tell me what you think about them when i published them. i have not a very art soul so i always fear somebody will hate my work. i totally forgot to add Naruto to my tv shows! i have to research about the movie what dreams may come! never heard of and everybody mentioned it! thanks for your comment :)

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