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MCGalaxy on Jun 22, 2017:

Let's try again with the proper formatting.

This has always been my favorite work of art

I don't even know why. I just think its beautiful.

fiorellaione on Jun 20, 2017:

¡Hola Vanessa! Esto es para el swap de ESG: Spread some Art! Esta obra se llama "Caza mayor" y fue hecha por los artistas argentinos Chiachio y Giannone, que hacen todas sus obras bordadas! Me pareció que te gustaría porque su estética me recuerda siempre un poco a la de Frida, muchas aves y paisajes tropicales, autorretratos y mascotas :) Espero que te guste!

reader44ever on Jun 17, 2017:

Vanessa, thank you for sharing "your" art with me! I do love that painting! He can't be that much of "the poor poet" though...look at his "wealth" in books! :-)

Thank you for sharing!

reader44ever on Jun 16, 2017:

Hi Vanessa! This is my swap for the ESG: Spread some Art! * profile decoration * swap. :-)

I hope you will like this editorial cartoon - drawn by David Horsey - that I love with all my heart:

To truly see it - full-size, or as large as is possible to find it on the internet - please click this link. This larger image of it is found on a blog post. :-)

I don't remember how I first discovered this bit of art (it was over 10 years ago, after all), but I do remember that I so loved it that I bought a print of it after I saw it! I have that print. . .somewhere. I knew exactly where it was when I lived in Seattle, but since moving to Tucson. . . ??? ¯\(ツ)/¯

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this little bit of art that I so love! :-)

My favorite "panel" is "the snow one" with the guy going, "Honey, there's an inch of snow! If I never see you again, tell the children I loved them!" This was sooo true when I lived in Seattle. Just a little snow and the city shut down! It was maddening. But also fun! I greatly enjoyed my two-mile walk to work because the buses weren't running. ;-)

Thanks and all the best!

Jen (reader44ever) :-)

HappyMom on May 4, 2017:


sakura15 on Mar 19, 2017:


Hi Chaari! I just wanted to say have a fantastic day and thank you for all your effort in making the swaps.

tichyleon on Feb 13, 2017:


algo que va camino a ti :) disculpa lo poco pero quizás para la próxima pueda enviar más.


Buecherwurm on Sep 25, 2016:

Dankeschön :) Ja, sieht so aus, als wären da ein paar interessante Swaps. Sind schon auf meiner Watchlist.

Oh, übrigens, ich weiß nicht, ob du das schon kennst, wahrscheinlich ja, aber wollte es trotzdem erwähnt haben, weil du dulce de leite so magst und sonst was verpasst:

Du kochst Milchmädchen (gezuckerte Kondensmilch von Nestlé, gibt's in großen Supermärkten auch als No Name Version), Butter/Margarine und zum Beispiel Kakaopulver/Kokosflocken/was du dir vorstellen könntest das schmeckt, ziemlich lange (zehn bis zwanzig Minuten, die ganze Zeit gut umrühren, sonst brennt das sehr schnell an), dann bekommst du im Prinzip selbst gemachte dulce de leite mit einem Geschmack deiner Wahl, in diesem Fall Schoko (heißt in Brasilien Brigadeiro, schmeckt ähnlich wie Storck Riesen) und Kokos (heißt in Brasilien Beijinho und schmeckt am ehesten wie Raffaello), kannst natürlich auch nur Kondensmilch und Butter/Margarine nehmen.

Da gibt es viele Rezepte im Internet, auch bei youtube, da sieht man gut, bis zu welcher Konsistenz man kochen muss (obwohl es eigentlich, außer angebrannt, immer lecker schmeckt :P Aber wenn man kleine Kügelchen formen möchte, muss es schon etwas fester sein, sonst fließt es auseinander).

willowsmarika on Sep 9, 2016:

true, true. we're awesome like that, so obviously our next step should be world domination, right?

and finally friday is here! she took her sweet time, but let's celebrate anyway!


your weekend plan sounds amazing, mine is very similar, i'm just mixing it up with some coffee and shopping :D

i also just finished binge-watching veep, so my life feels so empty right now. rec me something awesome to watch, please!

anrtist on Sep 8, 2016:


This is your ESG: My favourite picture of the month August swap

This is my very favorite and beautiful peacock put on my profile this month by @CurlyTea

This cute HELLO bunny was put on my profile by @Debmitch

& this is another cutie put on my profile by @CurlyTea with the caption...
This adorable smirk gets me every time...

I AGREE!!! ;-)

I hope you enjoy these favorites of mine too! Blessings, cc

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