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Date Joined: February 1, 2019
Last Online: March 23, 2022 Birthday: September 12 Country: United States best art blog |
update: I have moved to ATCs For All where I use the name Snager. Feel free to follow me there. http://www.atcsforall.com/forum/member.php?44149-snager
I am allergic to cats :,3, scroll down for details
If you get teamed up with me in more than one swap, feel free to save postage by putting both swaps in one package! Just let me know if one swap is going to be more than 3 weeks wait
If life has gotten in the way of completing a swap or you've found the prompt to cause artist block, it's okay! Talk to me about it and we can sort something out!
I like illustration and sequential arts and am mostly self-taught in both. However, I have an extensive background in the classic fine arts, ceramics, print making, jewelry smiting and more. Taught myself to make stuffed animals and dolls, sew clothes and accessories, crochet, embroider ect.
I like Science Fiction, Comedy, hair metal, folk punk, video games, science, every single animal
I LOVE my pet bugs (Praying mantids) But if I could have any pet, I would probably have a large parrot and play with it all day every day. Or a ranch with cassowaries in Australia. I wish I could move to Australia.
other favorite animals: frogs/toads, bats, snakes, reptiles in general, basically all birds but esp. colorful / tropical ones and birds of prey, vultures + owls and also especially crows / corvids or any Big Black Bird. Dolphins and whales. snails, cephalopods, shrimp family; I have little aversion to invertebrates. Favorites include the dragonfly/mayfly family, cricket/ katydid / grasshopper family, mantid family, cicadas, beetles esp horned, scarab and jeweled beetles, isopods, flies / moths, bees/wasps/ants, jumping spiders, scorpions. disliked invertebrates specifically: most spiders, centipedes (millipedes weirdly fine) and roaches (even the pretty ones. gotta work on that), deepsea crabs with the freaky long legs.
Found out about Sound.Garden from someone's profile and it's been a BLAST listening to all the local radio stations
Classic rock is usually a safe bet. Proto-punk and proto-metal and proto-goth. Hippy Dippy folk music, protest music and really old (1900-1940) pop music is always enlightening.
Okay, specifics: Tame Impala, MGNT, Electric Light Orchestra, T. Rex, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Gorillaz, Franz Ferdinand, Muse, Queens of the Stone Age, Arcade Fire, Sunset Rubdown, Crystal Castles, Neutral Milk Hotel,
My favorite tv shows are Rick and Morty, Steven Universe, The Good Place. Big long time fan of Adult Swim as a mini-network.
Sometimes I catch things like Avatar (Kora or Airbender), Star Vs. The Forces of Evil. Dan Vs. is highly cancelled.
If I'm in the mood for something more mainstream: Dateline and MTV Catfish
On netflix I like the new She-ra (the old one is good too, don't front), Hilda, Star Trek, Tuca and Birtie, The Mightnight Gospel
I spend most my time watching youtube, though. Captain Disillusion, all the PBS channels, Teir Zoo. animal/cool/instant regret video compilations = guilty pleasure. Follow the work of several indy animators with their own shows hosted on youtube.
Mirrormask has been my favorite movie for over a decade. Spirited Away is my other favorite movie and they're actually very similar, if you think about it.
also good -Trick or Treat (1986) -Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (2008) -No Country for Old Men -The Sixth Sense (1999) - The Babadook (2014) -The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) - The Crow (1994) -Interview with the Vampire (1994) -all the mad max movies but esp. II
-Super Duper Alice Cooper -Contact (1997) -Hook (1991) -Little Monsters (1989) -Scooby-Doo (2002) -Ferngully -Atlantis: the lost Empire -Lilo and Stitch -Treasure Planet -Angel's Egg (1985) -Coco (2017) -Mune (2014) -Moon (2009) -Chappie (2015)
-Pokemon, Digimon, Tamagotchi -Niche: genetics survival game -Spore (Sequel when??) -Overwatch -Minecraft -Starbound -The Sims -Nintendogs -Cities: Skylines -Stardew Valley -Undertale - Hylics -VR Chat -Untitled Goose Game
-I'm very allergic to cat dander/saliva/poop, so anything made of fiber that came in contact/was kept/stored in the same area a cat had free roam isn't going to be something I can keep in my living area, but I might be able to store it safely - beauty products and perfume / incense / candles / smoke / air fresheners -positive affirmations and quotes -slime -those squishable things tbh -pink, but I know most people's stashes are kawaii/girly so I'm understanding and can always re-gift! -99% of all anime -Christian stuff, but if you send me something on accident, it's okay: I will just give it to my mom or grandmom -Church of Scientology / ancient aliens stuff - symbols of colonialism and imperialism -I like punk and metal and rebel movement stuff a lot, but NO 'repurposed' nazi graphic designs / iconography and NO confederate flags: idk if I even need to say this so I will just to be sure, since a lot of Europeans don't know what the confederate flag represents and a lot of people in Asia (and British youth?) aren't familiar with nazi symbols. I'm talking the eagles, double lightening bolts, crosses, ect.
I DO collect washi tape, but you don't even have to send me a full sample: I want it just so I can put it into my washi page in my 'wreck this journal.' if an envelope comes with some peelable washi tape anywhere on it, it's going in my wreck this journal
I prefer any kind of hand drawn or painted art to any of the more popular scrap booking disciplines. I like stickers, washi and collage fine if it's HIGH CONCEPT and shows a deeper meaning than 'these things have matching themes and colors.' I once saw someone take some washi tape and do some character designs based off the patterns and incorporate the tape into the background as well and I was impressed with that.
I also took print making for two years in college and I respect all kinds of print and found image art.
I really don't like 3-d embellishments on atc cards, either. if it's more than 1/4th centimeter, it's going to wreck something and I can't put it with the rest of my collection or even pass it along in a future trade.
honestly my favorite ATC cards are the ones that showcase the artists' knowledge and skill that they've acquired in mark making, value, movement, form; the stuff they teach you in school OR the stuff you have a talent for. if it took you 5 minutes to produce your card but shows a skill or style you took ten years to master, I WANT THAT CARD.
there are acceptations to having skills in drawing though: there's no such thing as a bad drawing of: - a dragon - your original character
I also like getting fanart that is just drawn really well even if I don't know the character! Suddenly, I will be all about Naruto.
Hi, was just browsing profiles and I see you're into dragons, lizards, dinosaurs, snakes, frogs and toads! I think you might enjoy our Scales 'n' Tails group :)
I've sent you an invite. If it's not your thing, no worries!
what no ravens?
You have a very good list of favorite animals and it's so cool you have invertebrate pets! I'd love to keep aquatic insects, but it's tricky to get the ecosystem going and I just don't have the resources right now. I'm on a swap break right now but I'd love to swap with you in the future (assuming paper items that was in the vicinity of cats is ok for you).
HI welcomes to Swap-bot, I saw your post in forums and I agree 100% I will be inviting you to a few of my groups when you hit a 100 rates.
Hey, i read your thread and commented but i also want to welcome you. I love your profile and i checked out your art. You are very talented!
I hope you will stick around and get to know people and why these threads for 2nd profile and 1 rating alerts were created. Itβs actually made this a really safe place for swapping and while it made me really nervous that i would mess up at first, i am now really grateful for everyone who keeps us alerted. Itβs a really cool community, not perfect, but it can be almost anything we make it. Have fun!
Saw your note about not pairing you up with users from specific areas. Partners are assigned by a "bot" and not a human - thus Swap-BOT. No one has control over partner assigning.
Welcome to swap-bot! I saw your comment on one of the Washi swaps and you are absolutely right, tactile things you can touch like letters and paper and pen strokes that have been hand written really matter sometimes. I think you will find mail art and other swap stuff amazing here and forever more - No escape now <3