Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 5:03 pm


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Swap Homepage:http://wwwtrainmama.blogspot.com/
Swap Coordinator:QUEENQUISA (contact)
Swap categories: Promotional  Email  Journals 
Number of people in swap:104
Type:Type 1: Electronic
Last day to signup/drop:July 22, 2010
Date items must be sent by:August 14, 2010
Number of swap partners:10

Requirement: - You should have a blog - YOU SHOULD HAVE THE URL OF THE BLOG ON YOUR PROFILE. All the profiles without a blog address will be first warned, and if not corrected will be banned later. New blogs are welcome. Mine is fairly new and a work in progress, lol!

The intention of this swap is to gain exposure to your blog and hopefully gain regular readers and some new followers. All blogs are welcomed, craft, family, diary, career, etc. as long as it is not advertising only!

So for this swap, you will visit each of your partners blogs by using the links on their profile page.

At their blog site you will browse and read your partners blogs, don’t forget to leave a comment or two (be sure to include your swapbot name) so they know you have been there and follow them!!


This swap is Newbie Friendly must have a completed profile! Everyone else no 1’s or 3’s in the last month. I will be checking to make sure all sites are working blog sites and not used ONLY to sell items.

The plus, I will follow everyone that joins :)

Happy Swapping & Happy Blogging! :)


Jaemac 06/24/2010 #

Hi Queenquisa, So, to be clear, the requirements are: 1) BROWSE & READ partner's blogs. 2) make at least one COMMENT leaving your swapbot name. 3) FOLLOW their blog. 4) For a HEART, make a blog post with partner's blog links.

Have I missed anything? Thanks, Jenn (www.justaddwatersilly.blogspot.com)

QUEENQUISA 06/24/2010 #

@Jaemac Yep, that is it. You must also have a link to your site on your profile. The link to your partners site is not a requirement, but we are trying to NETWORK :)

*So any links to my site will get my partners a heart!! Just let me know your linking rather your my partner or not, I will be sure to return the favor.

rumblegirl 06/25/2010 #

Is this only for people who use Blogspot?

QUEENQUISA 06/25/2010 #

@Rumblegirl Not as long as there is not a problem following Blogspot or us following your blog.

QUEENQUISA 06/26/2010 #

I am viewing blogs & following you guys. Just so you know I am ~TrainMama~! Because I do coupon and recipe trains, lol! You all have some awesome blogs, GREAT WORK & KEEP IT UP!!! I am a newbie still. I just started last month so I am learning. Thanks to all that have followed so far :)

ellipse 06/27/2010 #

:D I must be blogging soon. I'll introduce some interviews to letter writers. I am working in the first interview with the first person to answer the questions.

rsj244 06/28/2010 #

How long are we required to follow the blogs for? I don't mind following, but I may not want to follow the person permanently. Not trying to be mean or rude, but a blog such as "quilt-making" wouldn't interest me and would clutter up my new posts in my dashboard on Blogger.

QUEENQUISA 06/29/2010 #

@Beccadvs I understand, lol! I would say give them about a wk after the swap. You never know they may put up a post that might interest you :) I need to get blogging myself!!

ellipse 06/29/2010 #

I just put the image with the link to this swap in the top of my sidebar column in my blog. :)

rsj244 06/29/2010 #

Ok, thanks for the answer! Would love to participate in this one! :)

acescorcio 06/29/2010 #

My blog is in portuguese but my partner could translate it in Babel Fish, could I join to this swap? Thank you!

RainyC 07/ 1/2010 #

I joined. I don't use my BLOGSPOT any longer but have my BLOG link under my ID here on Swap-bot..

QUEENQUISA 07/ 6/2010 #

@acescorcio I would love for you to join. When I took a look @ your blog the google toolbar came up w/ an option to translate.

sharylove 07/ 7/2010 #

So a link to the RSS feed is acceptable? I follow all my blogs in Google Reader with the RSS feed subscription...

madaboutpink 07/ 8/2010 #

Can't wait...it will be very hard to write 10 posts about my parteners' blogs in such a short time. but I'm always very happy to read other people's blog!

QUEENQUISA 07/ 9/2010 #

@sharylove a link to RSS Feeds are acceptable! I also use Google Reader when I can't follow.

@Madaboutpink you don't have to do 10 different posts. You can do 1 post talking about this swap. Mention each of your partners blog (creating a link) and talk about it a little :) Creating 10 different posts would take a while & probably give a few of us writers block (me), lol!

QUEENQUISA 07/ 9/2010 #

@ellipse Thanks for the blog link to this swap :) I'm just seeing that comment (Sorry, lol!)

HouseOfHearts 07/ 9/2010 #

This sounds awesome! I am in.

FelicityLingle 07/ 9/2010 #

I'm in.

QUEENQUISA 07/ 9/2010 #

Welcome aboard you two! I have been checking out blogs today. There are some good ones here. I suggest checking out a few while waiting for partners to be assigned, there may be a few that interest you!!

chrissygee 07/10/2010 #

So excited! I have a main blog, but also a blog dedicated to swapping (that I just started). I will definitely link to my partner's blog because linking is awesome!

QUEENQUISA 07/10/2010 #

Thanks for joining @Chrissygee I totally agree!!

angeldiva 07/12/2010 #

Okay so I finally added my new blog link to my profile so I have now joined the swap!! Lots of people in this swap too! Wow, too bad we couldn't have more partners so that we could get more blog followers/swap parters!! :)

angeldiva 07/12/2010 #

Oh and I will gladly add all of my partners blog links via a new post on my blog :D

Should it be seperate posts for each link or one post with lots of links? I can do either way ;)

Agnetha 07/12/2010 #

I will add an google translation to my page as it's in Swedish:


mireillie 07/13/2010 #

hi, my blog is on my own domain ^-^ http://neomuyeppeo.org and is mostly on k-pop LOL. i hope whoever my partner is has a slight idea/liking of it :D or will, after reading my blog; tee hee. i hope i'm eligible to join this swap :3

QUEENQUISA 07/13/2010 #

@Angeldiva you don't have to do 10 different posts. You can do 1 post talking about this swap. Mention each of your partners blog (creating a link to each of thier blogs) and talk about it a little :)

@Mireillie just checked out your blog your ok. Love the way its set up :)

Yes, lots of people have joined THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I have actually been looking through blogs and I'm blown away w/ how much we all have in common!! Some of the blogs are so similar. There are a lot of scrappers and picture takers in the bunch :) Can't wait to see how many people we have total at the end. I MAY JUST HAVE TO DO THIS ONE AGAIN IN A FEW MONTHS.

LuckyXIII 07/13/2010 #

I just signed up. I use Wordpress and I will add anyone who also has a Wordpress to my blogroll there. I don't think I can add non-Wordpress, but I can bookmark you. Maybe I'll make a new page just for links to other peoples blog.

but my blog definitely needs love. I rarely get comments and it's depressing. Mine is a crafty blog too. I also have one for my kitten but I've been bad at updating that one.

ellipse 07/14/2010 #

If I link and show my partners in my blog in my sidebar column for a period of time does it can give a heart? I think it is a great idea, better than to show their links in a post, because after some posts that one disappear from the main page, in sidebar columns we can add them and keep them for a while and everyone can see it. I'll blog about this as soon as I get the partners.

HisTechnoAngel 07/14/2010 #

I am ready to join this "swap"... it sounds great!! My poor blog just gained its 1st follower, a good friend I only know on facebook! lol so I really would like some followers... would seem less like I am blogging to myself! ;) Mine is on my profile under "My Website".

HisTechnoAngel 07/14/2010 #

Oh I wanted to add I made a post and put the image on my blog... for my 1 follower to see ;).

QUEENQUISA 07/15/2010 #

@ellipse that would be a great idea! I would like to do that as well create a section for blogs I'm reading or my fav blogs.

S/N: Could you or any participant share how to do that, lol! I told you all I'm still a newbie @ blogging, lol! But feel free to check out my blog: http://wwwtrainmama.blogspot.com/

RJcanuck 07/15/2010 #

What a fun swap, I love finding new blogs! Looking forward to perusing my partner's blogs!

ellipse 07/15/2010 #

@queenquisa and all the other - If you want to make hyperlinks to other blogs in your blog you can check here:


(follow the HTML Link Syntax instruction). You create a section in your sidebar column and make hyper links with he blogs of your partners.)

If you need any other explanation tell me *

QUEENQUISA 07/16/2010 #

@ellipse THANKS!

ellipse 07/16/2010 #

:D welcome I'll do it as soon as the partners "arrive", and I think it should give us a heart. I'll also post about it! If interested read my new interview of Letter Writers Circle! ***

AnaGoncalves 07/16/2010 #

I joined up, and I am looking forwarding to browsing everyone's blogs and making new friends! I have two blogs. One which is my main blog, and has been around for 2 years and has my personal uplifting quotes, poetry, inspirational writing and nature photographs inspiring others to connect to who they truly are, mother earth and each other, and can be found on my profile. It's: http://expressiveworld.com And another which has only been recently created, (yesterday the 15th July) for journaling my Arts & Crafts progression, works in progress, exchanges, giveaways, tutorials and inspiration, and can be found over at: http://crafting-insights.blogspot.com/ You are all more than welcome to visit either or both, whichever you feel drawn to. :) I shall be away from the 19th-26th July so will only be perusing blogs after this period. Look forwarding in visiting all your blogs - I can get quite addicted, especially when commenting too!

lilmisspolkadot 07/17/2010 #

Sounds great, i am in ! Always love to discover some new and fun blogs ! I will post the links in my blogfriends list as well

I will try to follow ALL the participants not only the 10 partners

It is great because when i reach 200 followers i will have a GIVEAWAY , wooohooooo and i am almost there ;-)))) So i will start working in the giveaway than !!

BrandiAM 07/18/2010 #

I just joined. I have two blogs listed here. The top one is my livejournal, the blog I post on more frequently. It's basically about everything. The bottom link is my blogspot blog. It's only about food. My partners can choose whichever blog they prefer. :)

mimitabby 07/18/2010 #

@Veilsofrapture I couldn't find a place to leave a comment on your blog. I never heard of K-pop, but now I'm thinking it's Korean Pop?

@acescorcio I was not able to leave a comment on your blog either, the company which checks the comments said "we know there is a problem,we are working on it.

QUEENQUISA 07/19/2010 #

WOW......I can not believe how many people we have in this swap. This gives me so many blogs to look through!

@BrandiAM I will definately be following your food blog. I can't get enough recipes!

@Mimitabby there is a section on @Acescorcio & @Veilsofrapture blog for comments under their posts. On @Veilsofrapture blog raptured thoughts is where you click to enter your comments.

carileigh 07/19/2010 #

I just started up my blog again after three years so hopefully I will get some followers!

mimitabby 07/19/2010 #

@queenquisa I can get to the comment field for acescorcio's blog, but the s/w that works the comments (DISQUS) will not accept anything i put in...

haha, i found Vielsofrapture's comments section "raptured thoughts"

acescorcio 07/19/2010 #

Thank you, I´m in!!!! Kind Regards from Brazil!

acescorcio 07/19/2010 #

@queenquisa I´m put Disqus to anyone to comment right now, ok? Thank you!

billiemonster 07/19/2010 #

Awesome! I started a blog recently at www.billiemonster.com . Looking forward to reading everyone else's too! :D

mimitabby 07/20/2010 #

@acescorcio here is the message I get from Disqus:

Sorry, an error happened on Disqus.

The Disqus team has been alerted and we're on the case. For more information, check out Disqus Status »

missanne 07/20/2010 #

Awesome, I can't wait to get started! missanne.org - hosted on blogger <3

craftymomme08 07/20/2010 #

i signed up.

MsRigby 07/20/2010 #

This is going to be interesting.

zilliah 07/21/2010 #
MforShort 07/21/2010 #

OK, I just made a post, and I look forward to 'meeting' my new bloggie friends. http://funasyoumakeit.blogspot.com/2010/07/calling-all-new-bloggers.html

LADYHIGHTOWER 07/21/2010 #

Wow! Look at the numbers! I have my 3 blogs listed in my profile and I may just do a post on all 3! This is cool!

Cakers 07/21/2010 #

@LuckyXIII - you can add any blog to your blogroll, whether it be blogspot, livejournal, typepad,etc. It doesn't care. I have a mix on mine.

Great idea for a swap!

Cakers 07/21/2010 #

Please note, I no longer update the cancer blog that is listed on my profile but I do update the midwestknitgirl one.

It is noted on the cancer blog that the last entry was made and to go to the midwestknitgirl blog to see what I'm doing now but I just want that to be clear. :-)

QUEENQUISA 07/23/2010 #

Partners will be assigned soon! I have noticed that some of the advertising blogs have written 1 REAL post as their last entry to get in. This does not qualify for the swap. I browse and read through your blog I don't just look at your last post! Your partner does not have anything to write about if they decide to write a post about their partners blog. The descriptions said no advertising blogs!!! However if you have reviews on your blogs and you still have written posts about other stuff you will make it in. Thanks and sorry about this!

LesleyKnitsPretty 07/23/2010 #

Feel free to visit my new blog @ http://allbetogalore.blogspot.com/ ! :) Let's get this started!

ellipse 07/23/2010 #

When will the partners be assigned?

Holalola 07/23/2010 #

Yay! I can't wait for partners to be assigned! I have just started my blog and hopefully I can get some good feedback from my swap partners!

ellipse 07/24/2010 #

prepared her post about the swap, is just waiting the partners *

mireillie 07/24/2010 #

waiting for partners to be assigned too. if you're my partner and have no interest in the main blog post, just search the categories "swapping" or "shopping" and i'm sure you'll find something relevant to your interests. ^-^

QUEENQUISA 07/24/2010 #

Waiting for a few to fix the link for their blog to connect will assign when I get out of the shower rather they have fixed them or not! Sorry for keeping you all waiting. I have removed the others that were just advertising.

NikonGoddess 07/24/2010 #

I can't wait for this to begin. I'm already looking through blogs though and following a few!

QUEENQUISA 07/24/2010 #


Thanks for joining! I have went through and looked at EVERY blog :) all comment sections and blog links properly work. As I stated before we have a great bunch of blogs as you have time you will always be able to view participants. You should checkout some of the other blogs even if they are not your partner. I am following all either through blogger or my google reader.

I am ~TrainMama~ : http://wwwtrainmama.blogspot.com/

Let's have fun reading and posting to some blogs :)

LuckyXIII 07/24/2010 #

Yay, I just went through and commented on all my partners blogs! Took a half hour, lol. I will probably go through the others as well but will have to do so later. This is such a good swap idea!

craftymomme08 07/24/2010 #

so are we suppose to follow and leave comments on the "who you send to" and then post an entry about the " who sends to you"??? that's the only part i'm confused about.

LittleOwlette 07/24/2010 #

http://www.bloglovin.com is a great way to follow and find other blogs too, plus it helps get more followers for your own site :]

Holalola 07/24/2010 #

Here's my post about this swap! http://thisyoungmama.blogspot.com/2010/07/blogger-swap.html

I'm also a little confused (like craftymomme) about the post entry??

HisTechnoAngel 07/24/2010 #

Took me all day! But I have followed all 10 partners, commented on a post, made a post with a link to all 10 partners blogs, and sent a message to all 10 notifying them. Oh, I guess I should say 11 because I followed the swap host as well :).

3stairs 07/25/2010 #

I had a great time touring the sites of all my partners! I linked to all of them here: http://3stairs.com/2010/07/24/swapping-sites/

TallysTreasury 07/25/2010 #

I hope I am doing this right - I'm adding the blogs of my swap buddies to my Google reader, as that is how I keep track of and "follow" such things. I hope this is acceptable.

QUEENQUISA 07/25/2010 #


ellipse 07/25/2010 #

I am also adding to my google reader wordpress blogs and other, since I belong to blogger and I can add them and make them visiblem only to blogger fellas it happens. I hope to be doing it correctly *

dissolvedgirl 07/25/2010 #

I followed and commented on everyones blog yesterday. I am currently working on the post. This was a great swap, I have found a bunch of new blogs that I would have never found with out doing this.

QUEENQUISA 07/25/2010 #

@Ellipse Yes, I had to add the non blogger users to my google reader as well.

I am working on my blog posts now w/ links to my partners blogs. I will post the link when done so everyone can read it :)

If you have included my blog, let me know so I can return the favor and include yours in my sidebar too.

ellipse 07/25/2010 #

@queenquisa I thought we had just to add our partners, and you are not my partner, I mean we add the partners we "send" to right? I obviously can add your blog and I don't know why I do not remembered before... I am the whole day and night working almost, so I'm forgetting thing! I'll add you right now and check it please in a minute *

By the way, I hope that people are able to give hearts. I think I wrote proper and long comments in my partners blogs, but I think that most of the people will just write "hi and bye", I hope that you can see who deserves a heart :)

QUEENQUISA 07/25/2010 #

@ellipse no you did not have to add me only your partners. I was asking because the people that add me I want to return the favor for them. NETWORKING IS THE KEY. If you mention mine I want to do the same for you, feel me?

Can anyone help @kalexn can not view who her partners are for this swap. Can you guys look and see if you have her to rate PLEASE????

mimitabby 07/25/2010 #

Mimi again if i am your partner, the only way I can tell you were on my blog is if you leave a comment. If you subscribe (the little envelope on the right hand corner) you will be in essence, following me, but I will not be able to tell you did it (I like the follow option on blogger) So pick your favorite of my paintings, and let me know you like it! Thanks

QUEENQUISA 07/26/2010 #


My latest blog post about the swap and links to my partners blogs. Hope you enjoy reading :)

I will figure out the side bar thingy in the am and do links there as well!

Joni (QueenQuisa)

carileigh 07/26/2010 #


This is my post about who I added and what not! Please check it out when rating

acescorcio 07/26/2010 #

To all my partners! It was a pleasure visiting your blogs and share a little bit about yours, thank you so much for this Swap!!! hope you canvisit my blog, ok? Hugs from Brazil, Andrea (acescorcio)

LuckyXIII 07/26/2010 #

I am now following all my partners through google reader. I will follow anyone who leaves a comment too :D

LittleOwlette 07/26/2010 #

It's great that we aren't only reading blogs of our partners but also of the people swapping with us too!!


darzy30 07/27/2010 #

Here's my post about my partners' blogs!


acescorcio 07/27/2010 #

Hi partners! I´ve rated 9 senders swappers (just one do not visit me yet), and I´ve received only one rated from 10 blogs that I´ve visted and comment, some blogs I follow in Goggle friend connect and I linked all of them!!!! Please, do not forget to rate me, ok? Thank you!!!!

mimitabby 07/29/2010 #

you can now FOLLOW my blog. I already rated those of you who visited my blog, so you don' t have to come back and follow (unless you really liked it and WANT to) ;-) anyway, There are three of you who have not left any evidence of a visit, but 7 others have come by and said hi and are now all rated.


dissolvedgirl 07/31/2010 #

I did not know how long it would take to write about all the blogs that I visited. But it is finally done. :-)

QUEENQUISA 08/ 2/2010 #

Thanks Again everyone for joining this swap! Be on the look out in about 3 months for another one :) Keep blogging & Happy Reading!!

RJcanuck 08/ 3/2010 #

Looking forward to doing this again! I'm still waiting on 3 of my partners to comment on my blog, I just hope they didn't comment and forget to leave their swap-bot ID! I guess I will find out after the 14th! :)

acescorcio 08/ 4/2010 #

Waiting for just one to visit me and two to rate me, please, do not forget both! Thank you!

dissolvedgirl 08/ 4/2010 #

This was a lot of fun and looking forward to the next one. I am still waiting on three people to rate me for this swap.

NikonGoddess 08/ 7/2010 #

I am completely LOVING this swap. You all have some great blogs. I'm not only following those I'm "supposed" to follow, but wandering into others and following them as well. Now, I am a bit obsessed FB'er but I can see me enjoying blogging more and more because of each of you. :0)

NikonGoddess 08/ 7/2010 #

Well, I just finished my ten. I had checked them out before I went on vacation, but I wanted to really spend some time reading. So, today - my first day back from vacation I dedicated to reading and enjoying the blogs I was assigned...but now I'm following even more thanks to their finds as well. Check it out here: http://nikonlady.blogspot.com/2010/08/blogging-is-funand-should-be-shared.html

acescorcio 08/ 9/2010 #

Hi SheriFaerie and storylaura, hope to ear from you soon, I wait my rate since July 26!!! Please do nor forget it!!! Thank you!

angeldiva 08/ 9/2010 #

Okay so I finally went through and finished checking out all my partners blogs, I had started the process last week but got sleepy and just now got back to it and oddly enough I found that all the people I began following last week had disappeared from my follow list so I had to re add them all again today, I hope they don't disappear again but just wanted everyone to know I did put them on my follow list! I also did make a post with links to all my partners blogs as I said I would so yes @QUEENQUISA I did take you up on that challenge ;) hehehe

Anyhow, thank you for organizing the cool swap and I hope my partners will all know that I added them to my follow list and commented on their blogs and all that stuff!! This was fun and I hope people will enjoy checking out my blog too! I hope to be able to add some cool crafty pictures to mine soon and stuff!!! :D

<3 Angie

BeverlyBling 08/13/2010 #

Thank you for this Swap. I have visited every partners blog and a few of the other members of the swap...isn't it interesting what a diverse lot of interests we have. Some I shall continue to follow in the future and develop friendships. Isn't that what Swap-bot is all about!

LittleOwlette 08/16/2010 #

I'm still waiting on 2 people to rate me.

lilmisspolkadot 08/16/2010 #

HI !

I completed the swap, left the 10 blogs a comment, following them and blogged about them : http://lilmisspolkadot.blogspot.com/2010/08/some-blogs-and-more.html


mariaisabel 08/16/2010 #

It took me a few extra days but I did it!

RJcanuck 08/17/2010 #

I still have 3 partners to rate... I didn't see their swap-bot ID come through on any comments, so I've contacted them to make sure I didn't just miss it {or maybe they forgot to include their id}. :S

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